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Happy girl Gedanken, Menschenkentnisse

Autor:  TAsmodina
'Smile!' how often do I say that? Maybe to often, ....

it is so funny, everyone seems to know me that well, but how many people do? I would guess three is that a lot or,...?

Everyone is seeing a girl, that normaly is laughing, .... and tells people to laugh, ... but how many people try to find aut who is behind that laughing mask?

not many and not many want to now who I am, are they scared of me, because I am different from what they know?

Some people here think I am rich, because I have time to think, no acually I don't have time to do it, I take my time to think abotu thinks ot many would think about and if it happens, that sombody asks me about what I think, they are supriset, and look at me as I would be crazy, ... am I?

Why do other people don't think that often?

And why do I?

Who thinks about strang people and their behavior , ... and who try's to understand them?

Why do think some people I am straingh?

A real friend told me, that some think I am streingh, because I read in the breakt, because I write storries and because I am mostly quiet . But how can you juge a person you really don't know?

Why are some hobbies respected and others not and why do some people let themselve influence by another person, so that you cant see the person, that this person is without anyonelse?

Why do people do somethink to humiliate there selves and just do it to pe respected, ...? Are they afritend, that nobody would like them, if they would be theirselfs?

And why do I wear a happy mask and know, tat not many people like this mask?

When can I laugh again withoute a mask?

Am I sceard?

Yes I am, but why?

So I leave it to you...

am I an Happy girl?
Datum: 30.07.2007 11:14
also heute is mein Phia tag.. (wie du bestimmt an meinen vielen kommis gemerkt hast^^") und ích wollte dir sagen, dass ich nicht glaube, dass du strange bist!

Du bist ein Lebensfroher mensch, der halt auch gerne mal nachdenk und eigenen sachen nachget.... und nicht so, wie viele hier, die einfach nur mittläufer sind(du wirst einen schock bekommen, wenn du wieder hier bist -.-)

Ich will dir nur sagen, dass ich immer für dich da bin, egal wie weit weg! Ich bin total froh dich zu kennen und dich getroffen zu haben!

Believe me, some people are weird, we are normal! But, what is normal anyways? those people who worry all the time and feel sorry for themselves? or us, who think about stuff for a while and then try to get action!

hab dich lieb

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