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Einzelposting: Supernatural - Season 6 [SPOILER]

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Von:    CastielvsGabriel 10.05.2011 23:18
Betreff: Supernatural - Season 6 [SPOILER] [Antworten]
> > Das ist eh das einzig Gute daran - weil ich hoffe, dass wenigstens die letzte Folge etwas Dynamik reinbringt, den Spoilern nach zu schließen dürfte es heiß hergehen und ich hoffe, dass in 6x21 endgültig mit den Braedens abgerechnet wird.
> > Solche Charaktere passen in Serien über Liebesdramen und Herzschmerz, aber nicht in Supernatural. Seit Anfang Staffel 6 hab ich das Gefühl, ne andere Serie zu schauen, und das enttäuscht mich. :/
> >
> Ich hab wirklich nichts gegen Lisa und Ben, ich fand sie wirklich toll, jedoch hat Eric das nur für Sera umgeschrieben weil sie das Paar so toll findet. DIE ist Schuld, dass man mir das Paring durch die 6. total versaut hat. Die hat Sam versaut... die hat diese kleine Familie versaut, die für Dean's Wunsch nach einem Normalen leben stand versaut, weil sie es zu Dean's gemacht hat... die hat mir die komplette Serie mit EINER Staffel zerstört x'D
> > @ CastielvsGabriel
> >
Ich bin da weniger dafür, weil seit der 5ten Staffel die Luft raus ist.
> > Sehe ich genauso.

> Unterschreibe ich!
> Was ich noch gut fand war ein Artikel von einer von Facebook... das passt echt gut hier rein finde ich..
> *packt den mal in nen Spoiler*
> Vorsichtig langes Englisches Etwas, kann man aber eigentlich gut verstehen...
> Does Anyone Even Care About Sam? WTF???

> BY DFANATIC: Here's something I totally don't understand or get about Castiel, Bobby and especially Dean. None of them seem to give a crap about Sam or what happens to him. Who cares what he's had to suffer through and most of it's been because of Castiel?
> I was starting to really love Dean again and now I can't figure him out at all. He finds out that Castiel knew all along and even got Sam's body out of hell and probably without his soul and he's not raging mad about that. You'd think he'd want to kill Castiel for that.
> Dean considers Castiel, Bobby and Sam is family, so what is Lisa and Ben to Dean? Nothing. I'm so confused by all of it. Was Dean just using Ben and Lisa and that was it until he got Sam back? Once Sam was back in Dean's life, he dumped Lisa and Ben and went back to hunting, but he supposedly cares so much about them.
> Bobby didn't give a crap about Sam and he didn't even notice there was anything wrong with Sam for over a year and that he didn't have a soul. Sure soulless Sam tried to kill him, but Bobby says he considers Sam a son.
> Even God doesn't seem to give two craps less about Sam. No one cares about Sam or that he's suffered through how much. Only that he's to blame for everything. He started the apocalypse, but he didn't know killing Lilith would break the final seal. Castiel knew, but never really helped him or Dean until it was way too late.
> Sam owned up to what he did, but Sam never had all the facts and he was being manipulated and no one really gave a crap, especially Dean who cared more about listening to Castiel than his own brother.
> Poor Sam. I think he's going to be totally on his own when that wall breaks down, but when hasn't he been.
> The message of this year, over and over is NOBODY cares about Sam. First Castiel does the "more profound bond with Dean" line. Then Bobby tells Dean he likes him better than Sam. Now Dean is ASKING Castiel for an explanation, one he never asked from Sam. NOBODY cares about Sam period, he is last on everyone's list, including Dean.
> I don't think even Sam seems to care about Sam...were they even peeved in this episode, it sounded like the boys were mad at the angel for wearing their clothes or something and not bcause he's a lying scumbag that had been lying to them from day one and hurting Sam and Dean...even nearly killing both of them.
> Mmhm. And I was really starting to love Dean again - man, nosedive after this episode
> i definitely lost respect for dean tonight...
> I think what hurt the most was in one of Ben Edlund's recent interviews where he called Dean the heart of the show, then stopped himself and said well Sam and Dean are but, and then went to go on about poor woobie Dean. And honestly, Dean, what the hell? You love Sam and all that, yet when you find out that Cas raised him, you just sit there with your mouth gaping like a fish? Why the hell didn't you get up and say something about it?
> Instead of sitting there and wallowing in your pain and looking at Cas like a hurt girlfriend who just caught their boyfriend cheating...I'm sorry. I'm really upset with Dean right now. I love Dean, but Sam being raised by Cas, soulless for that matter, should've been what mattered most. Not over Cas betraying you. What the hell happened to you, Dean? Since when did Castiel become more important to you than Sam? What about your brother here who has a fragile wall in his about to crash and ******* burn? This was just painful...god.
> Yep. Dropped massive IQ points, Dean did.
> This is another reason why angels need to go - while Dean put it in a more crass way, I'll say it more politely - that while Sam always ends up on the losing end when dealing with demons time and again, Dean gets the same treatment by angels - including Castiel.
> It's because Ben-freaking-Edlund doesn't give a rat's *** about Sam.
> apparently cas is all that matters, lol....i couldn't believe dean's reaction to the reveal....so disappointed right now..
> Ok I guess he did it then if it was meant to be Cas centric.
> Ben is capable of writeing a Sam centric episode with Simon Said.
> The show runner just gave him alot of Dean centric episodes and I think he's used to it.
> Right now alot of people want Cas to go in I think that is mainly it, and to put the iceing on the cake people feel hes taking Sam spot.
> I could be wrong but thats the vibe I been geting and it's pretty much split with him now.
> NO! No one cares about Sam! He wanted to save people and stop Lucifer from rising and destroying the world. Castiel and Zach, together with Ruby and Lilith jerked him around, making sure he raised Lucifer. But Sam ONLY blamed himself--and sentenced himself to endless torture in hell for his "crime" of wanting to save people.
> But Castiel? That poor, confused "baby"? As always, he gets a pass from the writers of this show.
> You're probably right... I'm just bitter and hurting right now. Sam is what made me fall in love with this show. Jared is what made me start watching this show. I fell even more in love with it over these two brothers and their bond and their love for one another. I've been so close to these two characters for years now, and now all of a sudden Cas is like a "brother" to Dean? Really? Family is one thing...brother is a whole other.
> Then I see comments like the one Ben Edlund made recently, I see the treatment of Sam's character these past 3-4 episodes. Sam has gotten NO PoV. We don't even know what Sam is truly feeling right now. Cas didn't give Sam a straight answer about if he pulled him out without his soul on purpose or not. We saw Sam get confrontational and somewhat angry, but there was nothing after he ran out. Absolutely nothing.
> Ben Edlund just chooses to completely ignore Sam who is ALSO supposed to be the heart of this show, but apparently he's NOT anymore. Sam, who is one of the Winchester brothers is treated like a recurring guest star. Jared Padalecki, who is the star of this show just as much as Jensen Ackles, and THIS is the treatment his character gets? I really enjoyed this episode tonight, I did in terms of information, plot and such. But there was stuff in it that honestly pissed me off, especially after rewatching some parts just so I could get stuff cleared up for me. It hurts that Sam has never had this treatment and his feelings and his heart and his emotions and his PoV still continue to be ignored... No wonder so many people hate him.... T__T </3
> REALLY well said, SammyWsGirl. I was a dedicated bi-bro fan. But, after tonight's episode, as far as I'm concerned, Dean can grab his "brother" Castiel's hand, hit the gas, and drive the Impala off Pike's Peak. (Well, not the Impala. A rental.)
> The good thing is that Sam, like Bobby, weren't licking Castiel's boots the way Dean does. In this disgusting Castiel and Dean kiss up by Edlund, Sam wasn't allowed to say much, but he was smart, dignified, and admirable.
> To me, it's Sam and Bobby's show now. Those other two, I'll ignore.
> SammyWsGirl, WHY? You're a Sam fan, right? My gosh, Sam's the hero of this show!. I feel bad because I am--or was--a bi-bro fan. The old Dean would have ripped Castiel's head off for what he did. But this new Dean is a total jerk. It's the Dean fans who should be curling up in little balls and crying.
> I am sad only reading your comment sammy...
> When YOU are saying this ....YOU.....I am starting to tear up...I didn't watch it yet, but I think I am gonna puke!!!!!!!!
> I am so so sorry for Sam Winchester right now, so deeply sorry!! I don't even have the words. Ben Edlund can go with soapy doushy Castiel elsewhere.
> Dean deserves to be bashed. As for your remarks about vile Castiel, well, Ben Edlund would probably agree with you--for whatever that's worth.
> last week, i was afraid that dean will do nothing to castiel's betrayel, and i was right! if anyone do that to him he'll probably just kill them, or at least punch or threaten them. dean do that even to his own brother. especially when castiel is the reason sam to be souless, and yet dean do nothing?
> and what i dont get is, since when dean consider castiel as family? because from what i see dean never treat castiel like that. all he do is insult castiel, or make joke to castiel. and suddenly dean feel castiel is like family?
> When has Castiel ever saved Dean or his family? That's the biggest laugh. The only thing Castiel ever did for Dean was pull him out of hell and that was because he was ordered to. Castiel has constantly manipulated Dean and used both Sam and Dean.
> Dean has more loyatly towards Castiel than anyone even Sam. Sam wasn't devoted to Ruby, he only needed her because he thought he was getting stronger from her blood.
> If you can't see what Castiel has done to Sam and Dean, then that's really sad. Castiel hurt Sam and Dean's relationship way more than Ruby.
> Dean bashing. Sam gets bashed all the time, so Dean should get bashed every once in a while and Castiel too.
> Like you don't constantly bash Sam. You just do it in a way that doesn't seem like you're bashing him. I'm not bashing Dean with this thread, I just don't seem to get his character at all anymore and who Dean thinks of as family. One minute it's blood, the next minute it's whoever Dean wants to be his family. What about Lisa and Ben? They consider Dean their family, but Dean doesn't consider them family.
> There is something seriously wrong with Dean and I'm sure it's all Sam's fault yet again.
> I loved Dean again for a short while because I actually thought he cared about Sam and now I don't know anymore. I'm so confused regarding Dean and who he considers his family.
> I think the only reason Dean wanted Sam to get his soul back was for Sam to care about him, but did he even give a crap about Sam.
> Dean finds out that Castiel brought Sam back without his soul and he doesn't want to kill Castiel. He thinks of Castiel like his brother.
> Dean didn't think any of the Campbell's were family, but an angel that has consistently lied to him, is his family. Sam who was lied to and manipulated by both angels and demons did Dean wrong by trying to save people because that's what he thought he was doing by killing Lilith and going after her. Not to mention what she did to Dean himself and Dean doesn't even understand Sam at all.
> I did love Dean back when I thought he gave a crap about Sam.
> Maybe you can ask the Mods to delete that I love Dean Thread and start your own thread about how much you love Dean and go on and on about how great and wonderful he is, no matter what he does. Please do this for me because the mods will never delete a thread if I ask them to. Maybe they'll listen to you.

> Wobei ich mich dann frage, Castiel zog Sam aus der Hölle, warum hat er dann kein Zeichen oder kein Band mit Sam? Sam is ja SO unwichtig, sein Name steht nicht als ERSTES als Darsteller da... er ist der Hauptcharakter... x'D

Japp, ich war auch total begeistert wegen der kleinen Family!
Und der Sam wurde mir in Staffel 5 schon dermaßen versaut -.-
Die 6te hatte bisher nur ein paar kleine Highlights.

Und tatsächlich hat Cass, Sam aus der Hölle geholt?
Ich dachte das war der ... mir fällt der Name grad nicht ein o.O
ah jaa ... der Crowley??
Mist, ich war auch noch bei keiner Supernatural-Staffel so verwirrt. Die Hälfte davon hab ich tatsächlich schon wieder vergessen.
"Hey, you better take care of that car. Or, I swear, I’ll haunt your ass." (Dean)

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