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It’s almost Christmas now

a drarry christmas.. developement


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December, 14th

“And their not only useful, but also absolutely beautiful.” Neville said as the four Gryffindors walked together back to the castle after their latest Herbology lesson.

“And the music! I think when I get my own place someday I’ll definitely put them in my garden.”

Hermione looked doubtful. “Do you think it’s a good idea? Imagine if the maypop accidentally grows close to them… you’ll never be able to get in or out of your house.”

The blond Gryffindor shrugged. “There are charms to prevent it, or nobody would ever plant a branch.”

“Muggles have morning glory as well.” Harry chipped in, remembering all the times he had to work in Aunt Petunia’s garden and had plenty of time to study the neighbours’ gardens as well.

“But they don’t sing or attack burglars. My aunt never liked them though. She always said it looks like weed on the walls.”

Ron snorted. “I’ve seen the green place in front of your aunt’s house and it was rather one of those stark lifes than a garden.”

“I think you mean still lifes, Ron.” Hermione corrected with a smile.

Their conversation went on as they entered the entrance hall and climbed the stairs to Gryffindor tower.

When they arrived Harry left the others in the common room and headed up to the dormitory.

There he transferred most of the content from his bag into his trunk, taking his potions folder instead, but didn’t find his book. He searched for ten minutes, but still came out empty handed.

Frustrated he took his bag and went down again, walking over to his friends who claimed their seats in front of the fireplace.

“Has any of you seen my potions book?” He asked, looking around but not spotting it.

“I think I’ve seen a book on the couch before.” Ron said and pointed to the seat Neville sat on. Neville’s eyes went wide and he scooted forward and turned around to see if he sat on any book.

“Uhm.. this one?” He asked sheepishly as he held the copy of ‘Very Advanced Potions’ up that he’d found.

Harry took it, opened the cover and nodded.

“Yep, thanks.”

“Sorry mate.”

“No problem.” Harry grinned.

“Are you going somewhere Harry?” Hermione, who had looked scandalous when Neville discovered the book beneath his behind, now looked curiously at her best friend.

“Uhm yes. Library. Study time.” The ravenette said curtly and Hermione’s eyebrows rose up as he just received incredulous stares from the two males.

“I haven’t nagged you to go, yet.” Hermione said bluntly, causing the boys to exchange looks and grin. “And I thought you already finished your potions essay?”

Harry shifted. “Uhm well. Doesn’t mean I can’t use more studying, right?” He didn’t deny he was going to study for potions, not after his frantic search for the book.

“Mate, don’t get me worried about you.” Ron laughed and Harry grinned.

“I would never. See you later guys.”

And with that he was on his way to the library. It wasn’t quite 4 p.m. yet, but he felt for unknown reasons too edgy to just sit around the common room. Rather sit around the library then.

Making sure to walk as quietly as possible past Madam Pince he looked around for an empty table and was surprised when he saw Malfoy already sitting at one half hidden behind a shelf in the back. Harry walked over and stopped in front of the table, causing the blond to look up.

“You’re early.” Malfoy stated.

“Well, you too.”

“Nicely observed Potter. I thought, since you’re such a hard case I need some preparation.” He gestured to the books piled on the table and Harry eyes them with apprehension.

“What is your excuse? Couldn’t wait to see me?” He smirked.

Harry busied himself with pulling the chair next to Malfoy away from the table to sit down, ignoring his fluttering stomach.

“If that’s what you like to think.” He completely missed Malfoy giving him a contemplative look when he bent down and got what he needed out of his bag.

“You’d like that Potter? Me thinking about you?”

Harry nearly knocked over his ink pot, but caught it in time. He looked at the Slytherin with guarded questions in his eyes, but the blond only smirked again.

“Well if you’re here already we might as well start right away. I really don’t know what your problem is, because Antidotes are pretty simple, as long as you know the characteristics of the properties and how they interact with each other. Which,” He continued as Harry blew out air from a deep breath. “You clearly don’t, as you so kindly demonstrated on Monday. By the way, I still don’t understand why you act so moronic during lessons now, when you did so well in sixth year.” Malfoy gave him a suspicious eye.

“I do know the qualities.” Harry defended himself, evading the comment about sixth year completely and promptly received a raised eyebrow from the blond. “Well okay maybe not all of them. And I confuse them with each other sometimes. It’s a lot to know, you have to admit.”

Malfoy inclined his head. “It is. But since we’re learning it for seven years now, one could think that some of it should be stuck in your scrubby head.” Malfoy gave his hair a critical glance and reflexively Harry brought his hand up to flatten it, causing the blond’s lips to twitch.

“One also could think that you didn’t pay enough attention in class. Have you been occupied with something else, Potter?” The, admittedly rather well formed, lips got pulled into another smirk.

“Don’t tell me you pay 100% attention in all classes Malfoy…” Harry replied evasively.

The Slytherin shrugged. “I do in those that matter. Now…” He pulled one of the books closer, opened it and shoved it under Harry’s nose. “I fear if I want your thick brain to understand what we are doing, I need to repeat the basics with you. So listen closely, or I’ll make you regret it.”

Despite the threat (that had a disturbing effect on Harry, probably not like Malfoy planned it), the study session went rather well and for the first time since getting rid of the Prince’s book, Potions didn’t seem to be so horrible. They didn’t let it bother them when Madam Pince repeatedly walked by their table with a piercing stare, looking, as Harry suspected, for owls and didn’t mention it when their thighs brushed the other’s maybe a little too often.

And before they knew it, dinner time had arrived.


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Von:  Joyo
2013-12-18T13:43:06+00:00 18.12.2013 14:43
I can't believe I'm teaching you, git. I can't believe we get along...I can't believe you can follow my explanations... >->
