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The internet is really really great... Animexx, Internet, rant, WTF

Autor:  Jien
... for social skills.
I don't know what's the deal with people lately. On the one hand you have the lot that thinks that the screen between them and the world out there is their god-given excuse to act like a total prick. Aka troll, been around for quite some time, some subtle, most... not so.
But lately the other extreme ticks me off even worse. On that end of the scale we have:
1) The people that think commenting your picture/exchanging 2 words on a likeminded topic validates the offer of: "I can haz friend, no?"
Do you do that in Real-Life as well? Walking up to someone, engaging them in conversation and then just springing a "Hey, lets be friends!!!" on them? I know, the internet blurs the line on that a little, simply because you hardly ever get to meet you internet affiliates (and on an international platform like DA, even less so), but is a LITTLE breathing space too much to ask?
I befriend people on account of running into in the same group/fandom/thread several times, who's art, opinions, stories etc I like and vice versa. Not on a question asked 2 seconds into what might have turned into a halfway decent conversation.
2) The goody-two-shoes hw thinks that EVERYTHING is their goddamn business. Even if they don't know you all that well, or not at all.
Don't get me wrong here, I'm always grateful for (grounded) advice on my artwork and how to improve it. From some people I even specifically ASK advice, because I think they can help me, or simply because I admire their style/talent. I can even handle flames/trolling (in the "Yeah, whatever..." *reblog* - way) and make it a policy to not erase any of the traffic going on in my comment section/journal/... They're just too much fun to read and mock.
But why are my (potential) legal problems of any concern to a person who happened to stumble across my art and doesn't even bother to properly read the disclaimer/copyright section???

People, honestly. If I don't know/like/care about you: Mind your own bznz, why don't you?
There are one or two more categories of people that are a total turn-off to me personally or in general (like those who take themselves and their fandom/ship way WAY too seriously , thus spoiling what could have been a good companionship), but this is it for today.
