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Autor:  purebloodied

Weißt du noch, wie's war?
Kinderzeit - wunderbar:
Die Welt ist bunt und schön.

Bis du irgendwann begreifst,
Dass nicht jeder Abschied heißt,
Es gibt auch ein Wiedersehen.

Immer vorwärts.
Schritt um Schritt.
Es gibt kein' Weg zurück.
Was jetzt ist, wird
nie mehr ungeschehen.
Die Zeit läuft uns davon.
Was getan ist, ist getan.
Und was jetzt ist, wird nie mehr so geschehen.

Es gibt kein' Weg zurück.

Ein Wort zuviel im Zorn gesagt,
Schritt zu weit nach vorn gewagt:
Schon ist es vorbei.

Was auch immer jetzt getan,
Was ich gesagt hab, ist gesagt.
Und was wie ewig schien, ist schon Vergangenheit.

Ach, und könnte ich doch
ein einziges Mal
Die Uhren rückwärts drehen.

Denn wie viel von dem,
Was ich heute weiß,
Hätte ich lieber nie gesehen

Mein Leben dreht sich nur im Kreis.
voll von weggeworfener Zeit.
Meine Träume schieb ich endlos vor dir her.
Ich will noch leben, irgendwann.
Doch wenn nicht heute, wann denn dann?

 Denn  irgendwann ist auch ein Traum zu lange her.


Autor:  purebloodied

My whole life waiting for the right time
To tell you how I feel

And though I tried to tell you that I need you
Here I am without you
I feel so lost but what can I do?
'Cause I know this love seems real
But I don't know how to feel

We say goodbye in the pouring rain
And I break down as you walk away
Stay, stay
'Cause all my life I've felt this way
But I could never find the words to say
Stay, stay

Alright, everything is alright
Since you came along
And before you
I had nowhere to run to

Nothing to hold on to
I came so close to giving it up
And I wonder if you know
How it feels to let you go?

We say goodbye in the pouring rain
And I break down as you walk away
Stay, stay
'Cause all my life I've felt this way
But I could never find the words to say
Stay, stay

So you change your mind
say you're mine
Don't leave tonight

Stay with me, stay with me...

Autor:  purebloodied

Und endlich sind es wieder zwei.
Delilah unser Neuzugang. 2 Jahre alt, grazil, verschmust, schwarz-grau-beige gecheckt.
Lynni ist nun also nicht länger alleine... x3

Autor:  purebloodied

Kneel in silence, alone
My spirit bares me
Pray for guidance, towards home
In darkest hours

dream within dream we travel
In silence
empires of faith unravel
sealed with our virtues' treasures
Kingdoms falling..

who's hand commands this thunder
In silence
cry as we're torn asunder
unto what gods do I call?
Protect us in our..

Fall away, my soul wandered
Borne by grace
I flew on high, sheltered from this thunder
Calling heaven..

Take me away from time and season
Far far away we'll sing with reason
Prepare a throne of stars above me
As the world once known will leave me

Take me away upon a plateau
Far far away from fears and shadow

Strengthen my heart in times of sorrow
Light the way to bright tomorrows

Answer our call in desperate hours
Shelter our fall from earthly powers
Temper our souls with flame and furnace
Bear us toward a noble purpose

Heaven hides nothing in its measure
Mortal men blinded by false treasure
Formless and vanquished we shall travel
Shield and sword will guide our battle

Take me away from time and season
Far far away we'll sing with reason
Prepare a throne of stars above me
As the world once known will leave me

Take me away upon a plateau
Far far away from fears and shadow
Strengthen my heart in times of sorrow
Light the way to bright tomorrows

Heaven hides nothing in its measure
Mortal men blinded by false treasure
Formless and vanquished we shall travel
Shield and faith will guide our battle

Salvation comes in desperate hours
Angels on high proclaim these powers
Lead us from chaos we shall follow
Bear us to a bright tomorrow

Autor:  purebloodied
You ask me how I feel,
But you know pretty well I'm broken.

My soul cries out,
But it remains unheard.
My soul is scarred,
But it's unseen.

Maybe you just don't want to hear me scream?
Maybe I am just not worth to be saved?

Autor:  purebloodied
Mijn hart huilt.
Maar shit het is focking bitter warneer niemand het hoort.

Ik vraag me af als het een goede dag om te sterven.

Autor:  purebloodied
It's a beautiful lie
It's the perfect denial

Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful it makes me

It's time to forget about the past
To wash away what happened last
Hide behind an empty face
Don't ask too much, just say
'Cause this is just a game

Everyone's looking at me
I'm running around in circles
A quiet desperation's building higher

Autor:  purebloodied
Пупсик, мой сладкий пупсик. Давай за руцку гулять с тобой.
Pupsik, moj sladkij pupsik. Davaj za ruchku guljat' s toboj.

Да да да. Люблю тебя.
Da da da. Ljublju tebja.

Пупсик мой сладкий пупск.  Я на край светауйду с тобой.
Pupsik, moj sladkij pupsik. Ja na krai sveta ujdu s toboj.

Да да да. Люблю тебя.
Da da da. Ljublju tebja.

Солнце послушай солнце. Твоя улыбка милее всех.
Solnce, poslushaj, solnce. Tvoja ulybka milee vseh.

Да да да. Люблю тебя.
Da da da. Ljublju tebja.

Солнце послушай солнце. Мое сердедеуко не разбивай.
Solnce, poslushaj, solnce. Moe serdechko ne razbivaj.

Autor:  purebloodied
The ocean’s beauty
No longer moves my heart
It’s black and empty
Salvation's so far apart

I fear my heart and fear my soul
And all the things that are unknown
There's a chance things will turn wrong, my friend

Far too fast I'm losing ground

Well, let's face it here and now
I'm not welcome I should know

I fear my heart and fear my soul
Life goes on it surely will
without me
and I wonder
Will I ever see light again?

Down where I am that's where darkness rules
The silence shall be my only friend