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Autor:  YumiPi

Möchte jemand mit-cosplayen? ^____^ Cosplay

Autor:  YumiPi
jeder hat wahrscheinlich so ein paar charas die man gern cosplayen würde, oder? XD
und da es in der gruppe sowieso mehr spaß macht, wollte ich mal fragen ob noch ein paar leute mitmachen wollen ^______^

und zwar:

das zum Karneval der Kulturen^^


yep, das ist "My little Pony" in der Sailor Moon Variante XDDD
Ich würde die blauhaarige rechts oben cossen wollen^^
(oder ggf die Pinke ^^)

und das hier zur DeDeCo^^

ich würde gern die in der mitte machen^^

hier noch das vid dazu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tg-seM7TVGU

naja...die cons sind verhandelbar XDD

the leader has to pay... XDD

Autor:  YumiPi
Koyama: But you know, speaking of the new NEWS~
Shige: Yes
Koyama: Recently the 4 of us went out to eat Yakiniku right
Shige: We did
Koyama: I say recently but it was....the 11th probably?
Shige: Yeah
Koyama: But we went
Shige: Yep
Koyama: Well, it was really lively
Shige: We all split the cost
Koyama: Stop joking around
Shige: (laugh) Eh?
Koyama: I wonder if I can talk about this a bit?
Shige: Yeah
Koyama: Well~ Um, this'll be a bit long, sorry. Umm~ well~ We talked
about a lot of thing about the group right? It got really heated up
Shige: Yeah
Koyama: And a few days before I call you, right?
Shige: Yep
Koyama: And we started talking about how we'll be doing it as a group~
Shige: Koyama-san said 'I wonder if it's okay for me to say to everyone
that I kind of want to be the leader?'
Koyama: Yeah, yeah
Shige: I just thought 'It should be fine right?' though~
Koyama: Yeah
Shige: But Koyama-san couldn't quite bring himself to say it
Koyama: Yeah
Shige: He couldn't announce about being the leader
Koyama: Yeah
Shige: So, well~ when we started to get really lively, I said 'Recently
when Koyama-san called me, he said that he wants to be the leader' and brought
the topic up with everyone
Koyama: Shige brought it up for me
Shige: Yeah. And then, was it Masuda-san?
Koyama: Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Shige: He said 'Ok, thanks for paying then~' (laugh)
Koyama: Yeah yeah yeah! When he said 'Ok, thanks for paying then~'
I didn't get what he meant and when I said 'Eh? Massu do you mean?' he said
'The leader treats everyone else to food right?'
Shige: That's right
Koyama: And then Tegoshi said 'That's right' (laugh) Then Shige started
saying 'Thanks for the meal'. well~ umm, I do want to acknowledge everyone
letting me take on the role as leader but~
Shige: But you know, as the person in charge, you chose pretty expensive
Yakiniku didn't you?
Koyama: But, um, that was because I thought everyone would be paying
a bit
Shige: (laugh)
Koyama: Yeah, but it's fine. Becaue we're renewed~
Shige: It was about the same price as it would be to buy 1 mobile
Koyama: hmm~ ...I could have bought a new one with it
Shige: It was about the price of a new one, yeah
Koyama: And then at the end Tegoshi said 'Next time it's sushi'
Shige: Thank you~!
Koyama: (laugh)
Shige:Thank you for the meal!!
Koyama: But I wonder what he meant? Ginza?
Shige: Sushi in Ginza?
Koyama: I wonder what i am? What am I from now on? I'll kind of be
doing my best for everyone. For the cost of the meal (laugh)
Shige: (laugh) To be able to feed everyone?
Koyama: Yeah. I only just found out. That the leader has to pay
Shige: That's right
Koyama: Hmm~ (laugh)
Shige: Congratulations
Koyama:(laugh) Thanks (laugh)
Shige: Congraulations (applauds)
Koyama: I'll be doing my best everyone
Shige: Yeah
Koyama: Because we're renewed
Shige: Let's really do our best. We should just honestly do our best
Koyama: Let's go at it renewed~
Shige: Yes


irgendwie freue ich mich auf das neue NEWS XD

und kommt nicht auf die Idee, das ich jetzt fürs Essen bezahle... XDDDD

Ich freu mich auf die MMC *____* MMC

Autor:  YumiPi
...vorallem auf den SHI-KAI Auftritt ^_______________^
Wir werden ROCKEN!!!! XDDD

und wisst ihr eigentlich warum wir ausgerechnet diese Serie machen? XDD
wegen diesem AMV *_____*

mein ganz persönlicher Titelsong ^Ô^

PC nicht komplett funktionsfähig

Autor:  YumiPi
...mein PChat sich irgendwas eingefangen...bin deshalb nur sporadisch online

falls ihr euch wundert, warum ich ens lesen kann, aber nicht antworte:
tolle erfindung, der ipod XD
nur tippen ist echt mühselig o_O
deshalb auch nicht wundern wenn nur kurze antworten zurückkommen^^

hoffe das ganze am we wieder hinzubekommen^^

*grad am schul-PC schreib*


Autor:  YumiPi
...irgendwoher kenn ich das XDD


ich sag nur "Panty-shot" XDDDDDDDDDD

Ich will was von JE cosplayen *___* Cosplay

Autor:  YumiPi
...zur nichi...mmc...hauptsache dieses jahr noch XD
am liebsten KAT-TUN...oder Kis-My-Ft2 XD
aber keine ahnung was...*drop*
mach jemand mit?

Anm.: neustes fangirl-opfer von mir XDD


wer ikemen desu ne guckt, weiß auch wer das is XDD

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