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Bin ich denn echt soo verrückt???

Autor:  Sora-Yuki-san

Hey Leutz!!!

Also mal ehrlich , bin ich dennn echt  sooo verrückt ????  war vorkurzem  ma wieder en Nachschub an Mangas geholt  ^-^  njo *unschuldig guck* soo 10 oder so wurden es ... also wenn ich grade beim Thema bin ich glaub ich muss ma wieder shoppen gehn und mir en Nachschub holen  *smile* ^-^ war heut fort und hab die neue Anime Nation No 6 gesehn  , hab se mir aba no net geholt mh hoffe mal die is gut , glaub doch , dass ich se mir hol *g* hab ja  Anime Nation No 2+3 und 5  will se mal alles voll bekomm ... njo mein Regal quillt vor Mangas über aba bis ich an Hikari-chi-san ran komm dauert das no en weilchen ... 

Vorkurzem hab ich doch so en paar Psychotest gemacht  - wie sehr Japan verrückt man is und  was für ne Art Fan man is und so eben... da kam doch echt raus das ich voll Japanverrückt bin und in Punkto Fan voll Hartcor bin .. lach das wusst ich doch scho vorher  !!!! doch da stand no das ich aufpassen soll das ich nich zu sehr mich zurückzieh und so  also bitte voll der scheiß !!!! also bitte echt ich bin zwar verrückt und zieh mich so manchmal zurück aba echt meine FREUNDE hier und im "Realen Leben" lass ich doch nich hängen , oder ??? ich bin doch immer für meine freunde da  so wie sie eben für mich  *danke an alle die für mich da sind* !!!  ok ich texte hier ma wider alles voll ^^° also bis dene bye bye See You , eure Sora          

Real Eotion ^^

Autor:  Sora-Yuki-san



Final Fantasy X-2

Real Emotion Game Mix English

What can I do for you?

What can I do for you?
What can I do for you?
What can I do for you?
I can’t hear you
What can I do for you?
What can I do for you?
What can I do for you?

Falling in the hazy borders of my heart
I can see your face
It’s something like this
Every now and then I don’t know what to do
Still I know that I
Can never go back

All the things I’ve seen
In those hazy dreams
Can’t compare to what I’m seein’ now
Everything’s so different
That it brings me to my knees

And oh, I know, the world of real emotion
Has surrounded me
I won’t give in to it
Now, I know, that forward
Is the only way my heart can go
I hear your voice calling out to me
'You’ll never be alone.'

What can I do for you?
What can I do for you?
What can I do for you?
What can I do for you?

I can’t hear you.

And if I find the real without emotion
Has surrounded me
And I can’t go on
And you are there
The moment that I close my eyes
You come to me,
We are connected.
Go on. You see, I’ll never be.

And oh, I know, the world of real emotion
Has surrounded me
I won’t give into it
Now, I know, that forward
Is the only way my heart can go
I hear your voice calling out to me
'You’ll never be alone.'

What can I do for you?
What can I do for you?
What can I do for you?

I can’t hear you.

I can’t hear you.


Jeanne ^.^

Autor:  Sora-Yuki-san
Jeanne - die Kamikaze Diebin
Wie ein Stern
aus einer entfernten Welt,
willst du
geheimnisvoll in unsere Zeit.
Wenn sie erscheint,
wird meine Welt strahlend hell.
Bin atemlos
und auch mein Herz schlägt schnell.
Sie ist nicht zu fassen,
denn sie ist wie ein Geheimnis
das hier niemand kennt.
Sie sucht die Dämonen und Schatten
und sie zu bekämpfen ist ihr Element.
Sie fliegt
über die Dächer der Stadt.
Und kommt
wie ein Phantom um Mitternacht.
Sie wacht
so wie ein heller Stern.
Doch plötzlich ist sie
nur einen Herzschlag von mir entfernt


1000Words ^^ *schmelz*

Autor:  Sora-Yuki-san


1000 Words Game Mix English

I know that you're hiding things
Using gentle words to shelter me
Your words were like a dream
But dreams could never fool me
Not that easily

I acted so distant then
Didn't say goodbye before you left
But I was listening
You fight your battles far from me
Far too easily

"Save your tears cause I’ll come back"
I could hear that you whispered
As you walked through that door
But still I swore
To hide the pain
When I turned back the pages
Shouting might have been the answer
What if I cried my eyes out and begged you not to depart?
But now I’m not afraid to say
What's in my heart

Cause a thousand words
Call out through the ages
They'll fly to you
Even though I can’t see
I know they're reaching you
Suspended on silver wings

Oh a thousand words
One thousand embraces
Will cradle you
Making all of your weary days
Seem far away
They'll hold you forever

Oh a thousand words
Have never been spoken
They'll fly to you
They'll carry you home and back into my arms
Suspended on silver wings

And a thousand word
Call out through the ages
They'll cradle you
Turning all of the lonly years to only days
They'll hold you forever

Final Fantasy X-2

Simpel and Clean!! *=^.^=*

Autor:  Sora-Yuki-san


Kingdom Hearts

Simple and Clean

When you walk away
You don't hear me say:
Oh baby, don't go"
Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go

You're giving me
too many things
Lately you're all I need
You smiled at me and said:
Don't get me wrong I love you
But does that mean I have to meet your father?
When we are older you'll understand
What I meant when I said "No,
I don't think life is quite that simple"

When you walk away
You don't hear me say:
Oh baby, don't go"
Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go

The daily things
That keep us all busy
Are confusing me
That's when you came to me and said:
"Wish I could prove I love you
But does that mean I have to walk on water
When we are older you will understand
It's enough when I say so
And maybe something are that simple"

When you walk away
You don't hear me say:
Oh baby, don't go"
Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go

Hold me
Whatever lies beyond this morning
Is a little later on
Regardless of warnings
The future doesn't scare me at all
Nothing's like before

When you walk away
You don't hear me say:
Oh baby, don't go"
Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go

Hold me
Whatever lies beyond this morning
Is a little later on
Regardless of warnings
The future doesn't scare me at all
Nothing's like before

When you walk away
You don't hear me say:
Oh baby, don't go"
Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go

Hold me
Whatever lies beyond this morning
Is a little later on
Regardless of warnings
The future doesn't scare me at all
Nothing's like before


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