Collection of thoughts von PrinzessinMedusa ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: lost in your eyes ---------------------------- Hallo alle zusammen! Hier ist mal wieder was Neues von mir. Es ist Englisch, weil ich nach gut 8 Monaten ohne Deutsch echte Probleme mit Deutscher Grammatik habe (von Rechtschreibung ganz zu schweigen). Es ist auch keine wirkliche Geschichte, dafuer habe ich nicht genug Zeit. Nue ein paar Gedanken/Gefuehle...aufgeschrieben und mit euch geteilt. ^^ Ich hoffe ihr habt Spass beim Lesen! Ueber konstruktieve Kritik und sonstige Kommentare wuerde ich mich sehr freuen ^^ Danke schon mal jetzt! so far SilverFish ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lost in your eyes As I step out of the class room I'm swept away by the crowd like a stick thrown in a raging river. It is loud in the hallway. Everybody is talking, but nobody's listening. The river leads me around the corner. I look down the hallway and see you standing on the other side. You turn around and our eyes meet. I'm no longer able to hear the busy noises around me. Once again I drown in your eyes. It is quiet around me nothing moves. I shiver under your look no longer sure of what is true and what imagination. My knees are weak, my mouth gets dry. I sink deeper and deeper, unable and unwilling to find my way back. I loose myself in your eyes. They are like a magical mirror I see memories and dreams in them but no reflection of what you feel. And still I feel save as long as you watch me. And before you turn around I see your lips forming a smile that takes my breath away and leaves me once again confused and lost. I realize that I stopped walking. People push me out of their way. It takes me a while to put myself back together, and remember where I am. I look to where you were just a second ago, but you are gone. And all that reminds of your smile is my confusion. I continue my way in the busy stream. I can't see a single face nor can I understand a single word. With every new smile you steal away another piece of me...and you don't even know it. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (