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Ame no Ai

Candy, Trouble and beating Hearts


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01. The first day

The bell rang loudly as the brown leaves fell slowly off the trees on the Yosen High campus. It was Autumn, the students walked around in warm clothes while everybody found their way into the school. Included Io. It was her first day at the Yosen high and nervously she stepped from one feet onto the other. With her face cuddled up into the scarf she watched the other students that walked with friends and in groups into the building. Two girls were chattering excited about some events and a huge group of boys passed her. Kind of lost, Io took out a piece of paper where the floor and class was written on. "Urururu what should I do?" The second bell ring pulled her out of her thoughts. "Oh no! I will be late!" hastily she ran into the building where a row of safes were standing. It took her a while before she could find her own one, pulling out her shoes and putting on those for indoors. The school building seemed huge, for Io almost like a palace! Her heart was pounding against her chest as she went through the empty hallways. Everybody was already in their lessons, she was the only one who was sneaking around the different classes. "I wonder where the number is", she muttered when a door opened right in front of her. A young men with short black hair was saying good bye to an teacher before he closed the door. "hm?" the young men looked down after a second, seeing the lost Io and smiled at her. "Hi there." He was just about to turn around before Io tugged on his shirt. "uhm, e-excuse me!" The Men turned around to her again. "What is it?" Embarrassed she avoid his eyes. "I-I'm new here and I don't know where my class is. Could you maybe help me?" she asked, blushing slightly before showing him her paper. He took it and looked over it. " Close enough, just follow me I will show it to you." With that she followed the student, looking around the huge hallways. "So you are new here? My name is Himuro and yours?" Io jumped a little step to walk beside him, looking up into his eyes. "My name is Io Seiya. It's my pleasure to meet you, Himuro-sempai." She bowed shortly. "Oh my, so polite. It's nice to meet you too Io-san. Here is your class." Without a word she stood in front of the door, hesitating to open it. "What are you waiting for, don't be so shy!", Himuro said before opening the door with a swift movement, making io almost fall into the class before walking in after her. Immediately it got silent in the class and the teacher stopped in the middle of the sentence. "Himuro-kun, I was already wondering where you would be", he muttered while shoving his glasses up his nose. Himuro bowed to the teacher. "My Apology, I was called in early to the director. On my way I found our newbie." Completely perplex Io was standing between them, looking back at him and back to the teacher. "Oooh, so you are Io Seiya. I already got worried that you might got lost." Himuro sat down onto his seat as the teacher went to the front. "Class, please welcome the new student, Io Seiya. From now on she will be part of our group and I hope you treat her well! She probably can not orientate herself here in the school, so I would like to ask if someone of you could take care of her and show her around." After a while Himuro lifted his hand. "Thank you Himuro-kun. Do you have anything to add Io-chan?", the teacher asked her kindly and Io bowed to the class. "P-please take care of me!."

Io got a seat beside a purple haired classmate that had his head lying on the desk, rested on his arms. He shortly glimpsed at her with an eye before closing it again. During the whole lessons Io wrote every word the teachers said down into her book with bunnies on it. She concentrated so much, that she didn't even realized that the unknown student next to her was staring at her all the time. Only after some time she slowed down and tilted her head to the side where the tired eyes were eyeing her up. She jumped a little after realizing it, looking around before smiling at him. "sweets", he muttered silently so only Io could hear it. That was the only thing he said to her during the lessons, leaving her completely confused.

After the bell rung for the break, Himuro went over to the purple haired student beside her and gave him a little hit with his book on his head. Grimly the guy looked up. "Don't sleep all the time Mukkun", he said playfully and smiled at him. Yawning, the boy called Murasakibara Atsushi, stood up, showing his full-size. Io watched him as he grew taller and taller until she saw herself sitting in front of a tower. An expression of pure shock took over her face. "Why are you looking like that, Io-chan?" stuttering she pointed at Atsushi who looked down at her lazily. "You are a midget", he said and scratched the back of his head. "Mukkun! don't be so rude to the new one!", Himuro warned him. "I apologize Io-chan, he can be quiet rude at some points.. So shall we show you around?" Slowly Io nodded as she stood up and followed the giant and the smile face.

The cafeteria was completely full but other than her old school no one seemed to fight about the food. At her school the break always turned into an battlefield where everybody fought about the best food, eventually leaving a giant chaos. Here though, everybody was standing calmly in line, chattering or sitting with the friends at the table. "So different", Io whispered in awe and almost got lost again. Hastily she went after the two guys which couldn't been overseen. "What would like to eat Io-chan? we have-" Io lifted a bento box and looked up at him with an apologizing smile. "I-Im sorry, Himuro-sempai, but I brougnt myself to eat." The both guys looked at her in silence. After the silence slowly turned awkward, Io got nervous and panicked a bit. "W-What is it? Did I do something wrong? Is that weird?" "Ah sorry Io-chan. Its just that most people just buy stuff. Come, we will sit down at that table." The little group sat down at the empty table after Murasakibara and Himuro bought themselves something to eat. Slowly Io opened her bento box, put a cloth on her lap an took out a couple of food sticks. "so perfect!", realized Himuro who looked with Atsushi at the bento who almost drooled a bit. "Eheh you think so? I always ma-" before she could finish her sentence Atsushi just took a bit of her bento with his fork before putting it into his mouth. "A-anno, Murasakibara-san? " angrily Himuro hit on the table. "What are you doing?! how can you just steal her food...without giving some to me?" An expression of seemingly pure bliss appeared on Atsushi face as he swallowed the yummy rice before his expression turned into the lazy one again. "You can cook so good, I want to crush you." Io jumped a little but at the same moment Himuro took a bit of her food as well. "Sugoi Io-chan. and you make that all by yourself?" Io, who still was perplex , nodded before coming to her senses again. "M-My mother is working early in the morning so I make food for me and my brother. Uhm, since you like that, w-would you want to try out those?" With a kind smile she took out a little bag with hard candies. Atsushis eyes began to sparkle as he took one and popped it into his mouth. Nervously Io waited for a response. "Where did you learned that?", Himuro asked her and drew her attention to himself. "I taught it myself! I want to open a pastry and sweet store in the future! that's why I always try out new things!" her expression drifted into an excited one as she talked about food and she got even more happy as Atsushi nodded in approvement and took the whole bag for himself. "Then you have the right person right here", he pointed at Atsushi. "He just loves snacks and sweets." Io looked back at the purple haired guy and clapped her hands lightly together. "So? that great! Murasakibara-san? would it be okay for you if I would make you sweets for every break? for a sweet tooth like you I would love to do some and get to know what is good and what could be better!" The young men nodded after popping in some more of the candies.

So the school day went by and it didn't took long till the end bell rung. The students went out of their classrooms and put on their warm clothes again like Io. Tightly she wrapped her scarf around her neck and put on her outside shoes. But a shadow crept from behind to her and as she turned around she faced two girls who wore a thick mask of brown make-up. "Oooooi, you are the newbie huuuh?" one said and tipped on Ios chest. With a kind smile Io took a a step back. "Y-Yes! I'm from the cl-" the girls snorted. "We know from where you are! you were with Himuro-kun all the time weren't you? We saw you! Listen, he belongs to us so stay away from his magnificent face!" Perplex Io stared at the two girls.. "magnificent.....face?" "Are you deaf or "What?!" The girl hit against the safes again and looked at her challeging. "B-but Himuro-sempai only-" "Don't call him like that!" just as she wanted to grab Ios clothes, a hand packed hers. In fright the brown girl looked up. "Like what?", the lazy voice of Atsushi filled the surrounding as he let go of her, his shadow covering the girls. "tch, nothing!" The other makeup girl was immediately taken by Atsushi and turned all happy as if nothing happened. "You are annoying. Get lost before I crush you", the tall man muttered and the two girls ran off. "What strange girl", Io said to herself and put her shoes into her safe. "Sweets." Again that word came from Atsushis lips and again io was wondering what he meant. "You want more? I will bring some tomorrow for you, that's a promise, Murasakibara-san!", she smiled at him happily, taking out her umbrella as it started to rain outside. He himself took one out as well as he walked past her to the exit. But then he turned around one last time. "You have the scent of sweets." With those word he left Io behind who was staring at him until she couldn't see him anymore.

He said she has the scent of sweets. As she thought about this sentence over and over again, a little blush was appearing on her cheeks.

On the way home her thoughts were circling all the time around those words. As she opened the door of her house, it was dark but some shoes were standing in the front. Her brother seemed to be home. With a little movement she got rid of the last drops of rain on her umbrella, pulling off her shoes and sneaking through the hallway. Loud music was coming from her brothers room and she looked through the small gap. Io saw him lying on the bed with a comic in his hands and wearing headphones. She smiles to herself and walked upstairs to her own room. As she turned on the small lamp the warm and cute atmosphere welcomed her. The book shelf held up all the books she read and the bed was filled with stuff animals and fluffy blankets. Io let herself fall onto her bed and cuddled her big strawberry whale. Her eyes closed slowly and soon she was drifting into a light but comfortable sleep.

02. Say my Name

o woke up in early morning as her brother kicked in the door, made a barrel roll into her room and threw a stuff animal at her. the young girl almost fell out of her bed as mumbled. "Just a little more", she said while throwing her blanket over her head. "Oi, nee-chan, are you still wearing your school uniform?" As no answer was coming back he sighs the left the room again. "Seems like I won't get breakfast", he pouted and closed the door. Only after an hour Io woke up again, her hair standing into every direction as she yawned slightly and sat up. "hunnn, how late is it?" slowly she took the clock into her hand, a moment of silence overcoming when she jumped up in the next second. "haaaa! what should I do, I slept over!"

In the next moment the pink haired girl flew out of her house with a toast in her mouth, a shoe open and pulling on her jacket while running. Just as she ran through the park the dark clouds grew bigger and it started to rain. "whaaa, really?" Of course in all her panic she forgot her umbrella but couldn't just stop under a tree as she was already late enough. In complete panic she almost stumbled over the stairs and just right when the bell to the break run, she threw the door open and stood there completely soaked in front of the others. "uruuu! Gomenasai! Gomenasai!", she stuttered while bowing many times to the teacher that was staring at her completely confused. Even after some seconds no one said someone as the drops fell to the ground, leaving a small puddle. " Then Himuro stood up from his chair, walked to her and whispered something into her ear. The girls turned bright red as she looked down at herself. she didn't closed her jacket and left her white shirt in the rain. "urruuuuu!" She shouted and run out of the classroom. "So you saw through iiiitttt?" The classmates were left with slightly blushing faces. "Say, did someone thought that io would have such b-" A book hit him like a shuriken in his head. "Teacher, me and Muukun will go and look after her", he said after clearing his throat.

Completely embarrassed Io hid in an empty room of the school as heard a knocking at the locked door. "Io-chan?" "You can't get in!!", she shouted in desperation and leaned against the door, wrapping herself up in her wet jacket. "Oi, Ururu-chin, you can have my shirt.", the lazy voice of Atsushi resounded and after a few second of hesitation she opened the door slightly as Atsushi suddenly kicked in it, followed by Himuro. "Kyaaah! What are you doing?! You can't! Get out!", she shouted at them bright red and tried to shove them out of the door. Himuro locked the door again before throwing some clothes at her. "Here, you shouldn't run around in wet clothes." Atsushi nodded while munching on an crispy bar. "You can have mine, but for that you will make me some more of your sweets." he looked down at her and gave her a huge shirt. with clothes in their hands Io stood in front of the guys , Himuro smiling kindly and Murasakibara staring at her with his bored expression. "Anno...c-could you maybe turn around?" Io almost whispered to the guys who realized that they were still looking down at her. "Ah Gomen, Io-chan", Himuro apologized and turned around. "eeh? why?" without a word Himuro pulled him around. both of them were waiting till they got the okay. "uruuu. D-Do you think that is okay?" As they turned around they saw Io in way too big sport short a too huge sport jacket and sport shirt of Atsushi. "What, what? now you look even smaller Ururu-chin" Io hid her face behind the hanging sleeves. "uruu, so mean." "kawaii", Himuro mumbled before smiling again. "Don’t worry, io-chan, at least you won't get ill!"

The small girl hid behind Atsushi as she tried to be unseen by others but as she couldn't hide forever, he just grabbed her at the shirt collar and carried her like a dog in front of her. "ah! P-Please let go Murasakibara-san!" he let her down again and she stared to hit him, which turned out though to be lightly touches to him. "S-So embarrassing, d-don't do that in front of everybody!", she looked up at him with teary eyes and blushed face. For a moment he stared at her when he suddenly popped a chocolate stick into her mouth. "hm?" perplex she stared up. "Are you able to make those?", Atsushi asked and smiled at her lazily. Io tasted the Mikado stick and looked at it. "y-yeah. It's pretty easy actually. You just nee-ah! p-please do not change the topic like that!" She pouted and tried to hit him again. "That tickles", he muttered while scratching the back of his head.

The upcoming lessons was sport and so the class moved to the changing rooms. Io was wondering what might would be different here and soon she realized, that almost every girl in her class was taller than her. Nervously she looked around the girls as they were changing clothes. tall, slim and sporty. Only one girl, named Suzuna, was small and bit more chubby than the others. She patted on her shoulder. "I know what you think, we can't keep up with those supermodel but we are strong yourself! Don't forget that Io-chan!" "eh?" She turned around but Suzuna was putting on her sport clothes already. Just by now Io realized that she still wore the sport clothes of her classmates Himuro and Atsushi and remembered that she doesn't has her own sport clothes with her, due to the panic this morning. "Do you want my exchange gym clothes Io-chan?" Suzuna asked with a little grin on her face and gave them to her. Hastily slipped into them before walking out. "Were are you going?", Suzuna shouted after her but Io didn't hear her. When she reached the male changing room she knocked at it silently. Nothing happened. "maybe they are already in the gym", Io muttered and just wanted to start to run as the door opened and a guy with exposed chest was standing in the door. "oh, Io-san!" The pink haired girl almost fainted, holding her hands in front of her nose as she was afraid of someone seeing her little nosebleed. In the background she could hear some guys chattering. "Kyah, don't let her in! so embarrassing", someone acted with a girlish voice, followed by loud laughter. the door was opened wider and above the classmates head appeared Atsushis who looked down at her. "m y Shirt", he muttered and reached out his hand. "Ah! I-I'm sorry for the trouble!" She gave it to him and with this the door was closed again. the girl ended up to have a major nosebleed, shyly trying to get rid of it with a tissue.

"ARE YOU READY!?", the loud voice of the gym teacher resounded in the gym hall. everybody jumped a little at the sudden shout. With little motivation the class lifted their hands and repeated the sentence of the teacher. "ALRIGHT! ITS RUGBY TIME!!" This time a loud shout was going through the boys row while the girls looked stared to sob or looking angrily at the teacher. "Not again! Can't we play something where we girls can actually do something too?", one of the female students complained but the teacher just gave her a wink. "NEXT TIME!..Nanao-chan." disgusted she turned around. Io was watching the somehow hilarious scene of the making up of teams. the group in which Atsushi played was looking at the group without him all fired up. The girls were divided into the boys group but none of the actually wanted to play this rough sport. from one moment on the other Io found herself fat the playground between the two groups of tall people. She rather stood at the side of the gym so she won't be overrun but suddenly she was the one holding the ball. A huge troop of wild guys was running at her . "a-ah! P-please it, sto-ooopppp!" The girl was picked up by Atsushi who run like a wild best over the group of men with her over his shoulder. "Go for it!!", Himuro and the other girls shouted However, completely into the game Atsushi didn't threw only the ball but Io, who flew over the playground and landed on the mattress which counted as goal. "Uruu, my head spinning", she stuttered dizzily.

The next thing she saw was the white ceiling of the nurse station of the school. the face of Atsushi, Himuro and Suzuna went into her blurry field of vision. "Wow, Io-chan was knocked out! Are you okay?" A wild grin appeared on Suzuna's face as she eyes her up with her huge curious eyes. "Ururu, where am I?." She slowly sat up and shook her head, her vision turning more clear now. "Mukkun accidentally knocked you out", Himuro said gave the giant a little hit into his ribs. Atsushi placed a hand on her head. "Gomen, ururu-chin", he said and gave her his package of chocolate sticks. "They will make you feel better. Ah, also, the shirt you gave me...it smelled like sweets." Himuro and Suzuna looked at him before Io smiled brightly. "Thank you Murasakibara-san.", she said happily with a light blush on her cheeks. "hooo, what do i see, what do I see? Some put a lovebird free.", Suzuna hummed and giggled like a young schoolgirl. "What love bird?", Atsushi asked while Io jumped up and forced a hand onto Suzuna mouth, turning bright red. "What are you doing here?, shouldn't you be in lessons." The curtains were drawn back and the nurse appeared, looking a bit pissed into the round.. "you guys, get out of here and go to lessons," she dispraised the three students and hit lightly with her clipboard onto the bed. "Lessons are boring", Atsushi said while staring at Io for a while. Io started playfully back at him as he suddenly felt a little jump of his heart in his chest. Immediately he looked away, pulling Himuro at his shirt with him. "Let's go Himuchin." Suzuna waved after Io and wished her to feel better soon.

"So how are you feeling?", the nurse asked and took out a pen. "I'm fine", Io said happily and looked back at the door. "That good for nothing. You are too smart for him, Seiya-san." Io looked back at the women who gave her a professional smile. "eh? f-for whom?" The nurse let out a snorted chuckle before writing down something and turning around. "Nothing, don't mind me. I think you are fine now. if you feel dizzy again just come to me and I will check you again." With those words Io was left behind before she left the nurse office.

The bell rung to the end again and io was standing there without umbrella as Suzuna stepped beside her. "I would take you with me but I live into the other direction", she said with an sad undertone. But maybe he can take you with him." Atsushi appeared by her side, over him a yellow umbrella and he looked down at her. "need one?", he asked. Blushing she looked at Suzuna who gave her a sneaky wink. "have fun. Love bird!", she said, waving and running off. "hurry or you will have to go alone." Atsushi was standing already in the rain." Hastily Io jumped under his umbrella and slowly walked home.

On the way, people ran past them, with dogs, with bags or children. It was silent between the two and Io felt very awkward. "A-anno, Murasakibara-san I-" "Don't call me like that, its long and so annoying." Io saw up to him at first a bit shocked but then turned her eyes to the ground with a light blush on her face. "Say my name", he said suddenly a serious voice. "M-Murasakibara-san! t-that's your name right?!" the young men pouted and her gave her an angry look. "Not that name." Io gulped a bit as she clenched her hands "B....Bara-kun!" The men stopped still and looked down at her, realizing that he blushed slightly and putting his hand in front of his lower. "T-that name either!" "F-for me you are Bara-kun!" "i said not that name!" "Why?" Io looked at him eagerly and serious. At the same moment they both stood in front of Ios house. "I will call you like that Bara-kun, no matter what!", she blushed brightly as she said that before running to the door. "Ah! T-thank you very much for taking me home! and tomorrow...I will bring a lot of sweets!" With a deep bow she said good bye, leaving Atsushi in the rain under the umbrella.

"That name...makes me feel weird. So annoying."

Deadly smile

"Good morning Io-chaaan!" The pink haired girl twitched slightly as her friend hit on her back and greet her with an ever so happy smile. "G-Good morning Suzuna." After surviving the little shock she turned around to Suzuna and shoved the glasses on her nose into the right position. "Hooo, glasses?!" The brown haired girl almost pressed her face into Ios as she eyed up the red fine glasses. "You look so smart Io! ha! I didn't know you had them!" Io shook shortly her head. "I-I only have to wear them when my eyes hurt a bit." The chattering around her almost over sounded her voice and so she didn't realized the two boys who were appearing behind her. Suddenly two hands were placed on her forehead. "Eh?!" Suzuna waved. "yoho you two handsome guys!" Hastily the pink haired girl waved with her hands and lifted her head to see who was behind her. "W-What are you doing?", she asked blushing before the two took away the hands. "Normal temperature! Seems like you are well again Io-chan!" Himuro nodded satisfied before taking a chair and sitting down beside Suzuna. Atsushi did the same. "Aahh, My brother told me that you were looking out for me! I'm deeply sorry If I caused you trouble!" The three looked at each other and Suzuna had to restrain her giggling. "You don't remember?" Atsushi asked who sat beside her. "Well, no wonder with such a fever." Only by now Io realized that Suzuna started to sketch something on a piece of paper before she held it up. "You were pretty much this." An evil grin spread over her face and Io turned pale as she saw the women from SAW just with pink hair. "EEHH? T-that's impossible! I would never be like this!" Desperated and with teary eyes the girl tried her best to look sure of herself but as Suzunas grin got even wider she knew she already lost. "You even fell over Mukkun, ya know?" "S-Suzuna!", Himuro forced a hand on her mouth to shut her up but it was already too late. Completely in disbelieve she hid her face behind her sleeves. With her face flushed she dared to shortly glance at Atsushi who was directly staring at her. "Uruuuu!" The chattering of the chair falling to the ground, let the classmates hear up but by now Io disappeared in a cloud of dust. "Do you really had to say that?" Himuro gave Suzuna a look of reproach. Playful she put on a face of innocent. "Gomen, did I do something wrong?" "You know exactly what I mean!" He flicked her forehead a bit pissed but it was more the deadly glance of Atsushi which shut her up. "Well this is on you now. After class Atsushi and I have training so it's on you to find her."Suzuna pouted. "Pfuuu, such a work. She is so small she can hide anywhere. Well at least I might can get her homeworks!" At that moment the teacher stepped in and looked around. Slowly the students sat down on their seats and kept silent. "Where is Io Seiya?" Himuro and Atsushi gazed at Suzuna who was sitting in the corner, acting like she doesn't know anything but eventually giving in. "She said she still doesn't feel well and went shortly to the nursery." The teacher tilted the head before he nodded and started with the lessons.

"Uruuu, What should I do?" "How about you go to the lessons?" The pink haired girl was found by the nurse in the nursery. Like a little rabbit Io hid already under a blanket, mumbling stuff to herself as the doctor stepped to her bed. "You can't hide here all the time you know Seiya-san? I still have a load of work to do and I need to meet my Wife here as the only time we see us is my break. So if you don't mind could you-" A miserable sobbing resounded from under the blanket. "Now get out of here already!", pisses she kicked the girl out of the bed who landed on the ground. "B-But Sensei, What should I do? It was so terrible and so embarrassing. I can't look at Bara-kun anymore." With running nose she looked at the nurse who made a step back to not get into contact with her. "What do I know? I told you to stay away from him, that's all I could help you with. And Suzuna can never keep her mouth, she already told everybody that I had a relationship with a student. Luckily I could convince everybody that it was misunderstanding. " Suddenly the girl stared at her. "S-Sensei, you have a wife?" The women blushed slightly before throwing her student completely out of the nursery. "I told you to go to lessons!"

Io wandered through the hallways and entered the library, hiding in-between the shelves. The silent surrounded her as no one seemed to be here due to lessons. Curious she looked around the books. "So many old ones", she muttered and pulled out one of it as suddenly two eyes were staring at her from behind it. In shock Io didn't even dare to scream but just put the book back before turning like a stone around and sneaking away with trembling legs. "Where are you going?", a voice whispered behind her and Io stumbled. "Whaa! Please don't kill me!" Io turned around to surprisingly see a cute face in front of her. But even more surprising was the fact that she wore a different school uniform. "So sorry that I scared you! It was just too tempting!" The girl with big brown eyes and blond curly hair reached her hand for her and helped Io on her feet. Io cleaned her skirt form the dust . "My name is Mayume. I'm searching for someone here but it seems like I can't find them. We'll probably it's because of classes!" Io looked at her a bit perplex. " I-if you want I can help you. B-But I'm just recently here so I don't know everybody ", she said chuckling lightly. The girl clapped in her hands. "Oh my that would be great!"With no other words to say she suddenly grabbed Ios hand and ran out of the library. "Whom are you searching for?", Io asked friendly, but her expression of happiness turned into confusion as the girl answered. "I'm searching for Himuro and Mukkun! you know I'm their childhood friend. I didn't saw them for a long time and felt like visiting them!" Just at that moment the bell rang for break. The students went out of their classrooms and the hallways filled up more and more. "Geez so many people!" "Hey Io!" A voice behind them made the two turn around. "Suzuna-chan! Ah, I'm very sorry for running away so suddenly! Uhm, this is-" Before she could stop talking Suzuna pulled Io suddenly away from the girl. "Mayume, what are you doing here?" The blond girl smiled happily and threw a peace sign at her. "Hello there Suzuna! Long time no see! How have you been?" Suzuna stared at the girl unfriendly. "Just a second ago I did well. Io where did you get her from?" Io saw between the two of them. "I got her form the library. She asked me to find Himuro and Bara-kun for her." For a split of a second it seemed like the smile of the girl disappeared. "Yes, I would love to see them!" "Forget it! As if I would bring them the worst friend in the world. Come Io, we are leaving!" "Oh my someone seems to be jelly. Do you still have a crush on Himuro-kun?" Io looked at Suzuna in shock as the girl turned slightly red, running away with Io without saying a word.

The gym hall was filled with shoes squeaking over the ground and shouts of the basketball team of the Yosen-High. The female coach was just exchanging players as Io and Suzuna went on the tribune. "Are you okay Suzuna?", Io asked carefully and the girl nodded. "Yeah don't worry about it! But please, what you heard right now keep for yourself." Io pressed shortly Suzunas hand and nodded. "Did you know? Mukkun and Himuro are the best players of our team." She pointed at the basketball field where the Yosen has formed two teams and were playing against each other. "I watch them since they started here. Those two are amazing." A look of sadness clouded Suzunas face . "She isn't a childhood friend..." With a questioning expression Io turned again to her friend . "She is more like a stalker. The both of them are almost afraid of her. At first she was a friend of them but then...it began to get out of control. She followed them anywhere ,even suddenly standing at the evening in front of their house. She accompanied them to school and back and to every other place. At first the two didn't realize but she began to become more and more creepy. Eventually she was forced to leave this school." Io felt a shiver running down her spine, sending her gaze to Himuro and Atsushi on the field who were giving a perfect team. "But...why is she here?" Suzuna shrugged. "I don't know. But I recommend you to stay away from her Io-chan. She tells lies to every girl that tries to get closer to them. She tricked me so many times, brought Himuro against me. She is extremely jealous. On top of that, her family is not the poorest one and so she has even the stuff to make your life to hell." Io couldn't believe what she was hearing, her look still locked to the field, not realizing that Suzuna slowly went to the stairs to get down. "I will be right back", she said, as suddenly, from one second on the other, Io was pulled out of her thoughts by a scream. In terror she had to see how Suzuna was stumbling and was about to hit the floor. "S-Suzuna-chan!", Io shouted but in the last second a team member that sat right beside the stairs on the bench could catch her. With a loud thud both of them landed on the ground. "Suzuna-chan are you alright!?" Hastily Io went down the stairs to look for her friend. Himuro and the others went to them for help, lifting up their team member. "Ouch, ouch, that went into my back", the young men moaned and bit on his lower lip. "T-Thank you a lot, Hibiki-san" Suzuna looked up at him thankfully but he just waved his hand. "Don't mention it. Next time you should be more careful though." Himuro helped Suzuna to the bench and brought her his bottle of water. "Here, you should drink something. Do you feel pain somewhere?" "Mo! don't treat me like a baby! I can take care of myself", Suzuna pouted before pinching Himuros nose. "I'm not that week ya know?" Atsushi and Io watched the both of them as something in Ios corner of sight was shimmering. "Huh? What is that?" Atsushi followed her gaze. "What is it Io-chin?" Io stepped to the stairs and went onto her knees. Her finger felt a little round Perl that seemed out of place here. Atsushi took a step beside her. "What have you there?" His voice was ringing in her ears as she felt his breath close to her ear. She blushed. "B-Bara-kun. Uhm I found this." She showed him the Perl that had a colorful pattern with an M on it "I wonder if Suzuna may slipped on this." Atsushi grabbed over her shoulder and reached for the Perl in her hands, watching it closely. "It reminds me of something but I don't know what." "May its candy", Io giggled slightly and tried to cheer the group up. Himuro stood up and stepped beside Atsushi who showed him the Perl. "Eh? that can't be." His expressions turned at once into one of terror as he rotated the Perl between his fingers. "Mayume..." Immediately the look of the two went up to the tribune. "Io-chan have you seen a girl with blond hair?", Atsushi asked with an unusual serious expression. Nervously Io looked at Suzuna who shook her head as her friend gave her the sign not to tell them. "N-No, I haven't seen one...", Io muttered unsure. She could feel the both of them relaxing a bit again.

for the rest of the day Io had a bad feeling all along. the fact that she lied to her only friends made her feel guilty and the rain at the end of the day didn't turned it any better. "Its raining again, what a hassle", Atsushi muttered while he changed his shoes together with Himuro. "You can say that out loud Atsushi. It's the typical autumn weath-huh?" The black-haired young men looked up as he saw a little piece of paper looking out of his closet. "What is that?" "Hoo, a love letter?" As he pulled it out it turned out to be a letter written in swirly handwriting. "She was here..." Himuro turned a bit pale before he ripped the paper into pieces and threw it into the trashcan. "Mayume is back? but didn't she went on a different school?" "That doesn't keep her away from this school", Himuro muttered. "Anyway, we should be careful..." With this Atsushi, Io and Himuro, Suzuna said farewell to each other and went their usual way back home.

"Ne, Bara-kun." The pink haired girl looked up to him at her way back home . "About mayu-" "Be careful", Atsushi interrupted her and looked down at the young girl. "She can be annoying and isn't the girl that you like to share sweets with..." Io nodded in agreement. With that the conversation was brought to an sudden end. Muted the both of them walked beside each other as suddenly a ring tone was playing its song. Io pulled out her light pink phone with an candy hanging on it. Shortly She pressed on the green button to pick it up, placing the phone to her ear. "Io Seiya here?" No answer. "Uhm, Io Seiya, here. Whom I might talk to?" She realized that Atsushi stopped walking and looked back to him, still the phone at her ear. "Bara-kun? What is it?" His expression turned angry and for a second she thought he was now angry at her, but then she turned around to see a young girl with blond hair and a bright cheerful smile on her lips, holding a phone up. "So that is actually your phone number", she said happily and put away her phone. Io did the same. "Mayume...", Atsushi grumbled her name. "Haha, good evening Mukkun! What a terrible weather isn't it? How have you been and is Suzuna doing well?" Io remembered the Perl she found and threw it over to the blond girl who caught it in the last second. "I think you lost something, Mayume-san." Io looked at her angry but the girl didn't seemed to feel guilty at all. "Ah, thank you a lot Seiya-san. I was already wondering where my little Perl went to! hopefully...no one slipped on it." A shadow appeared over her smiling face. "I-I don't know what is going on with you but please let Bara-kun, Himuro-kun and Suzuna-chan alone!" Suddenly the girl started to laugh at her, letting the Perl slide into her jacket. "So brave are ya? Those are my friends and not yours so please...just get lost." With a happy expression she threw a peace-sign at her. "I'm not brave at all, B-But...I won't let you hurt anybody! especially not my friends!", Io shouted slightly but didn't appeared to be too confident. Atsushi let his umbrella fall onto the wet ground while stepping closer to Mayume. "Get lost", he simply said. Mayumes smile disappeared. "Don't you dare think you get rid of me so easily Mukkun." With those last words she turned around and ran away with slightly jumpy steps, her curls bouncing up and down.

Io watched the Giant as he stood in the rain, looking after the girl that disappeared behind the next corner. "Anno...Bara-kun?" Io looked at him worried before she lifted up the umbrella that was lying on the ground, trying to hold it over him but being too small giving eventually up. "You are soaked, you will get a cold this time." "I will go home...I don't need an umbrella...and I won't get Ill." His voice sounded sullen but Io grabbed his sleeve and pulled his attention to her. "No protest! You come with me! I can't let you walk around like this." With a dispraising but slightly blushing look she dragged him to her house where they entered the door. "Ah, hello my de-OH MY!" A women with longer pink hair was standing with apron and fluffy house shoes in the hallway, holding a pan in her hand. "Whom did you brought with you?" Io pulled off her shoes and put them to the side. "This is my Classmate, Murasakibara Atsushi, Okaa-san. Bara-kun, that is my Okaa-san Sumiya Seiya." The mother and Atsushi stared at each other for a moment before he bowed shortly. "Nice to meet you." The mother put a hand in front of her mouth. "The pleasure is on my side."

"We got a bit into a trouble Mommy and due to the rain Bara-kun got completely soaked. Would it be fine if he stayed over till the rain stops?" A bright smile appeared on her mother's face. "Oh dear of course! I'm about to make something warm to eat right now, but it seems I have to make a bit more." Io nodded. "I will help you in a second Okaa-san. Bara-kun please follow me." The mother looked after the both of them. "What a giant..."

In her room Io put her school stuff into the typical places. "Welcome to my room Bara-ku-" "I was already here Io-chin." Io stared at him perplex as she suddenly remembered the day before. "Ah! G-Gomen." A blush spread on her cheeks. "Anno, I don't think the clothes of my brother will fit you, do you have some sport clothes with you?" Atsushi sat down on the ground where he rummaged in his back to pull out his basketball uniform. "Only this.." Io smiled at him. "That should be enough, at least its dry. Come, I show you the bathroom." Io lead Atsushi to the small bathroom and showed him the towel he could use. "Warm yourself up and put on the dry clothes Bara-kun. I will help Okaa-san to make the evening meal so you can come down and eat somethi--KYAH!" Io almost slipped as she saw that Atsushi already pulled off his shirt. "B-B-Bara-kun, y-you can't simply do that in front of others an-" The door of the bathroom was slammed open as the mommy stepped in. "I heard a shout what hap-oh my, Io-chan.... I thought you were only classmates." Io turned into a red tomato as she hastily waved with her hands. "N-No! That's a misunderstanding Okaa-san! A-And stop staring at him!" In panic Io shoved out her Mother who gave her daughter an evil gaze. "I-I'm very sorry for my Mother Bara-kun! P-please enjoy the shower!" With an awkward smile Io closed the door behind her and pulled her mother down the stairs. "What a weird family", Atsushi mumbled in the bathroom.


The next morning Io woke up with a huge headache. She was cold and at ten same time felt like burning. Her nose was blocked, her throat hurt and so it happened that she rolled out of the bed, completely finished. "Yo, good morning Nee-..CHAN!!!" the boy jumped back as he saw the young girl slowly crawling on the ground towards him. "Stay away vile beast!!", he shouted and ran away. "Urururu", the ill girl muttered and crawled to the phone downstairs, almost rolling done the stairs like a chubby seal. Slowly she pressed the numbers of the phone before the teacher picked up. "Hello, Sensei Tatsuke here." A poor mumbling came from the other side of the line. "uhm..who is there?" Io rolled on her back on the ground. "Senseeeii." "Ah! Io-chan is that you? don't scare me like this." "Senseeeii, I'm so sorry. I can't come today", Io mumbled tired and at that moment the call was broken up. "hello? Io-san? ah! Say something!"

Io felt a little poke as she was lying on the floor. Above her she saw her brother who had a wicked grin on his face. "oh my, how rare to see nee-chan ill. Seems like I won't get breakfast this time as well huh?" Io looked at him with flushed face and muttered something before crawling the stairs back up. "well, rest well nee-chan! I will have to go to school now! and don't worry I will give my best!" Io already knew that this would mean her brother would come back with a bad grade. Completely exhausted she wrapped herself in her blanket and sat down on her bed, turning on the TV.

In the school a good mood was going around an every student seemed to enjoy this not so rainy day. Suzuna sat on her seat and looked around the classroom. "Oi, did you saw Io-chan?", she asked while hitting on Himuros table. The guy turned away from his book. "Io-chan?" he looked around to find out that her table seat was empty. "I wonder if she got ill. Mukkun? did you saw her?" the giant was looking out of the window with a little thoughtful sight. Annoyed he looked at the duo. "What do I know." Eeehh, someone has a pretty bad mood here", Suzuna sighed when the teacher came into the classroom. "Good morning class. please sit down. We got a call this morning that Io won't be able to come here as it seems that she caught a cold." Atsushi's eyes went to the teacher. "So she actually is ill." Suzuna took our her mobile and secretly tipped a message to Io. "I hope she will be alright. I heard her mother is rarely at home."

Io almost fell asleep as her little light blue mobile started to vibrate on her night table. As she reached for it almost fell down. all dizzy she opened it and read what she got.

"Good morning Io-chan! I heard you are Ill! (;´Д`)/ What I'm going to do now? and I wanted to copy the homeworks from you! \(@;◇;@)/ by the way, how did it went with Atsushi? (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)♥ "

Barely Io could make up what was written as her fever blurred her view. only with all her might she concentrate to write her friend back.

"Bara-kun...chicken...Ill ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ"

The phone of Suzuna vibrated in her lap as she picked it up and looked what Io wrote. Almost she let out a loud laughter but she restrained herself. "How is she doing?", Himuro asked, who hid behind the book. "ah, don't worry she is all fine.!", She whispered and glanced over to Atsushi. Hastily she wrote something on a piece of paper before throwing it onto Atsushis head, who opened his eyes and saw the little piece. Shortly he saw over to Suzuna who was snorting lightly. Atsushi opened the paper.

"How are you doing...Bara-kun? ლ(´◉❥◉`ლ)"

The purple haired young men threw some deadly glances at Suzuna, not realizing that he blushed slightly. Himuro looked to the both of them totally confused. "What are you doing?", he whispered. "I'm not Bara-kun", Atsushi whispered angrily back to her like a sullen child. "What is going on back there!?", the loud voice of the teacher woke the trios attention. "Leave the classroom, immediately! and don't forget the water buckets!."

So the trio ended up in front of the classroom door, each holding two buckets of water, beside Atsushi who held two on each hand. "That's the real punishment! A real challenge isn't it guys?", Suzuna said seemingly proud. "that's the first time I was kicked out by the teacher", Himuro muttered in an almost traumatic way. "Say guys, why don't we pay Io a visit later on? She must be so lonely, right...Bara-kun?" "IM NOT BARA KUN!", the tall man shouted completely pissed to her, almost letting the buckets of water fall. "Don't shout so much!", Himuro warned him. "And what's with the Bara-kun name?" "Io seemed to call him like that and it seems to make him very angry," the girl chuckled devilish. "Mukkun, why does this name make you so angry?" The giant looked into a different direction not saying a word. "Saying nothing is also an answer", Suzuna whispered in a devilish tone. "It makes me feel weird...so annoying", he said now with a serious pissed voice which made Himuro and Suzuna turn quiet for a while before they looked at each other. "C-Could it be?", Suzuna muttered but Himuro immediately shook his head. "That's impossible. he wouldn't...would he?"

At home Io was standing in front of the counter of the kitchen. As she opened the door she found barely anything that would make something healthy to eat. The only thing she can do was to try to make a soup of those things she had, so she started to cut the vegetables and other things. In the end it was a warm boiling soup which scent filled the kitchen. Io filled something onto a plate before sitting down at the table and starting to eat a bit.

After the school ended Suzuna went with the two guys along the streets. Atsushi was still not in the best mood while Himuro was still traumatized that he was sent out. With a self confident grin and big steps Suzuna went in the middle of them. "What a wonderful day! Tomorrow we will feel the fruits of our hard punishment and won't be able to move our arms the tiniest bit! Io will be surely proud of us!" Silent. "And then our parents will get to know that!" Himuro twitched slightly at the mention of the parents.

As the troop stood in front of Ios house they tried to ring a couple times but no one seemed to be at home. "Shouldn't her brother open the door?", Suzuna asked before ringing a five hundred times more. "Stop It Suzuna, you might wake her up!", Himuro warned her and nodded at Atsushi who looked at him bored before kicking in the door with brute force. "Wha?! and that doesn't wake her up?!", Suzuna complained as she randomly stepped in. It was dark in the house and there were no sounds at all. Himuro ran a shiver over his spine as he glanced into the darkness. The trio pulled off their shoes before stepping in, looking around in the house. "Looks way bigger from the inside”, Himuro said and eyed up some photos on the wall. "That must be her brother and her mother." "It smells of sweets", said Murasakibara who went with the three to the kitchen. All of them stood still, turning pale at what they saw. "Behold!!", Suzuna shouted and put an arm in front of the both so they wouldn't run to her immediately. With an serious face she whispered into the room. "The mighty "cool pack monster"!" She pointed at the soup. "The weapon seemed to be the soup! Was is poisoned? No! Such a cook as Io would have realized it! The victim! Io Seiya, 16 years old and a "never can say no". She was so young!". Himuro shoved her to the side and ran to the Io that was lying with her head on the table. her complete body was plastered in cool packs. "Get a hold of yourself Io-chan!" He shook her at her shoulders but she just mumbled some incomprehensible words while flopping in his arms. "We need to bring her up into her bed. Mukkun, could you carry her?" The Giant stepped to the girl and took her on her arms avoiding to look at her face. "Ahhh, there we go again, the blooming love of a giant and a dwarf." She got a hit over her head by Himuro who gave her a look of reproach.

As they finally found Ios room and stepped in all of them looked around in surprise. "I'm in a doll house", Atsushi muttered who saw all the cute and fluffy stuff in Ios room. A big whale taking most of the space of her bed. Slowly he placed her onto it and pulled the blanket over her. "I will get sweets for that", he muttered when Io opened slightly her eyes. "Uruuu,...Bara...-kun?" The giant blushed and put a hand in front of his lower face again before telling her offended that this is still not his name. Io reached with a hand to Atsushi head before ruffling his hair. "So fluffeh", she said with a bright but tired smile, her eyes shimmering from the fever. Atsushi turned bright red while the three of them stared at them. "Hnnng IO-CHAN!" with one jump Suzuna was by her side and cuddled her tightly. "How can you be even more cute when you are Ill? You are making up the new Cuteness score!" "Suzuna-chan, you shouldn't get too close or you get ill as well!" She let Io fall onto the bed again like a puppet. "Ah you are right" Atsushi still stared at her as he reach with his hand to her. "O-Oi what are you planning to do?", Himuro asked who was slightly afraid that he would crush her cause she called him Bara-kun. But instead, he pat her head with a pouting face. "Awww, look at this Himuro-kun such a cute pair- UFF!" immediately a pillow landed in her face, shutting her up. "We should call her mother or see if we can find something to eat for her." "Then we shall let Mukkun alone with her don't you think?", she whispered to the young men before pulling him out of the door. "Aaah, we will look for something Mukkun, you can just have an eye on her okay?" "Why me?", he muttered but heard at the same time how the door was locked from the outside. However, before he could stood up to kick in the door, the pink haired girl suddenly fell into his arms, squirming like a little kid. "Bara-kuuun, you are so much fun you know?" with an blushing smile she started to squish his cheeks, giggling and squirming. "So soooooft, and you are so comfortable!" she buried her face into his chest and cuddled him tightly "Furuuu!". Desperated and fully bright red he tried to crawl away and to the door but the girl just didn't let go. "Bara-kun?" the girl looked up at him with teary eyes. "Don't you like Io-chan?" The tall young men looked at her in shock, waiting shortly before trying to shove her off. "S-Stop crying it makes me wanan crush you!" The girl clung to him like glue. "Bara-kun smells good, uruuu." That was the last thing before Atsushi kicked in the door and ran out. Hastily he went down the stairs to Himuro ad Suzuna who were making a huge chaos in the kitchen. "Suzu-chiiiin!" Angrily he stepped to her but the girls hastily jumped behind Himuro."Oi, Oi what is it Mukkun?" suddenly they heard some ruckus and saw how something rolled down the stairs and over the ground.

It was Io who put herself into the mouth of her strawberry whale , only her knees downwards looking out. "Bara-kuuun, where are you?" "GYAAHH! Close the door close the door!!", Suzuna screamed in panic. "What is that!?", shouted Himuro and in the last second before Io could enter, the door fell close, banging it against Io's head. "God be with us! What was that?", Suzuna squirmed and threw some salt over her shoulder before turning around herself. "The curse shall be gone!" It turned silent. "Oi, wait wasn't that Io?" Slowly Himuro opened the door where the whale was lying, however, the girl was gone. "So scary!", he said and looked around. "Where did she go?" the three of them looked out of the door. "Mukkun, you go first!"; Suzuna said and shoved the men out of the door. "We are right behind you!" Slowly the three of them walked through the house.

"Did you find her?", Himuro asked from upstairs after he looked around. "Nothing", it came from Atsushi. "I don't know, but I think I found her." Atsushi and Himuro went to Suzuna who was sitting on the floor beside the couch. "So where is she?" Suzuna pointed to the couch. "see for yourself." Himuro sat down before he bend down, looking under the Couch where Io was lying under. "Woah! How did she get there...no, more like, what is she doing there?" Suzuna shrugged. "Who knows. maybe she feels comfortable being surrounded by wool mice." Now it was Atsushi who grabbed Ios legs and pulled her out from under the couch. "Uruuu, let go of meee", Io complained as she was being pulled out with dust in her hair. "She is like a little creepy kid. I don't want to be her child when she is Ill, I would get nightmares." Suzuna chuckled. "But that might just be Io for ya." With a struggling Io over his shoulders, Atsushi carried the girl into her room again where the troop roped her onto the bed. "Uruu, Its too hot! P-Please let me go!" "Not happening!", Atsushi said and flicked her forehead. "Well, I think her brother has to take care of her from now on." Himuro looked at the young girl worried. "Are you sure we can leave her like that?" Io looked at them with teary eyes. "Bara-kun...Help me", the pink haired girl mumbled feverish but that was just the right ending for him. Grabbing Suzuna and Himuro the little group left the house of the Ill girl. Himuro and Suzuna went the other way, waving good bye to Atsushi who stood in front of the house for a little longer, looking up at the girls window. "Comfortable she said, Soft she said..." with red cheeks and annoyed expression, the giant left the house behind him.

Lets be friends

The sun disappeared behind the houses as Io was standing in the Kitchen with her mother. Water was boiling and the smell of food was lying in the air. With swift movements Io cut some vegetables into smaller pieces while the mother already put the plates on the table. "Okaa-san I didn't know that you were coming home today." The mother chuckled while placing chopsticks beside the plates. "Gomen Io-chan. Today I got free earlier, if I would have known that you would come home with such an handsome young men I would have stayed away." Io almost chopped off one of her fingers. "O-Okaa-san, please stop saying such things!" Io shouted flustered and tried to hide her embarrassment. "I couldn't let him walk all the way home soaked like this. Beside...he and my other friends took care of me as I was Ill yesterday so that's the least I can do for him, right?" The mother nodded. "Yeah...wait, what? You were Ill? Honey why didn't you call me?" Io threw the vegetables into a pot. "It wasn't that bad, I might feel a bit light headed right now but it's not like I going to die any minute." "Aaah, what kind of mother am I? Not even being called when something is with her daughter", She said in a dramatic way. "Well at least you have Murasakibara-san to keep an eye on you." Before Io could say something, steps resounded from the stairs. Ios Mother looked in interest to the stairs where Atsushi was walking down in his sport clothes. "Kyah, you look great! don't tell me you even play basketball Murasakibara-san, haaan, so manl-ouch!" With the newspaper from the morning Io gave her mother a little hit on the head. "The food is ready, Bara-kun", she said smiling before giving her mother a little hit into the ribs. "Okaa-san, please don't act so creepy." "Gomen, Gomen", she chuckled before walking after him into the kitchen. "Where is your brother Io?" Io sat down on the opposite site of Atsushi who was looking at the food with pure excitement. The bowl was filled with all kind of stuff and beside it were plates filled many kind of foods. "He said he is going to eat at a friend's house today. Bara-kun, feel free to take everything you want." Atsushi nodded. "Itadakimasu", he said before filling lots of stuff into his bowl and plate. "Seiya-san, your food is very delicious", he said after throwing stuff into his mouth, his eyes shining. "Oh my we are glad you like it Murasakibara-san. Say, why don't you stay over?" Io almost spit out her tea but Atsushi looked at her in interest. "Going home now at this hour is a hassle.... I Would have to call my parents first though." "Ahaha, don't worry I will do it for you!" Io sat stiff on her chair. "A-Anno, Bara-kun? You don't need to feel forced to stay over here. I can also bring you home if you-" "Can we make sweets?", he interrupted her. The Girl looked at him perplex for a second before she nodded slowly. "Y-Yeah we could make sweets if you want."

Before Io could even stop them, her mother and Bara were already standing in the kitchen, helped each other and talked a bit. Io looked between them nervously. It was the first time that a male friend...or no...in general a friend slept over at her place. She was always way too shy to ask friends from her former school to sleep over, not to the mention that she was scared that her mother would make a big act out of it. Lost in her thoughts Io shoved her chair back and stood up, bringing her bowl to the counter. "Io-chan isn't it great? Atsushi-san will sleep over, his parents allowed it an-" the chimney of keys were hearable in front of the doors as it slowly opened up. Io went out of the kitchen to see who it was and seeing suddenly her brother standing in the door made her looking at him questioning. "Ara? What are you doing here? I thought you were eating with your friends Aoi-kun." Her brother looked at her with quiet a depressing look, putting off his shoes and placing them to the side. "I had a fight with her and now she kicked me out...", he muttered smashed. "Eh? you had a fight with furukawa-san? How come?" At that moment The mother jumped past Io and shook Aois shoulders. "What have you done son?! Did you offend her?! did you tell her she has small cup size?!" The brother flushed and tried to shove her off. "N-Nothing like that, beside why should I say something like this you nutcase!? She is just a bad loser when it comes to games okay? And you do-WHOA!" Suddenly Io saw her brother getting pale and realized that a shadow went over her. Atsushi was standing in the door frame behind her and looked at her brother with a bit angry expression: "Why is it so loud?" Now it was Io who tugged his shirt slightly angered. "Wait, Bara-kun, you should introduce yourself first!" The violet haired men scratched the back of his head. "What is that giant doing here?! And why is he wearing a basketball uniform? Is he a cosplayer?" The brother directly pointed at him and Io could feel how Atsushis mood immediately changed. "He is not a cosplayer! He got wet and had to change clothes! he i-" "He got wet, that's what she said", her mother suddenly giggled like a perverted school girl. Io blushed again. "Mo! You are behaving like children!" With those words Io stomped up the stairs dragging Atsushi with her up into her room while her brother and mother looked after them with an evil grin.

Reaching her room, Io closed the door behind her and let herself fall on her bed, Atsushi standing in the room with no idea what to do. "Uruuu why do I have such a family? They are such cookie heads..." The pink haired girl looked. "Gomen, Bara-kun. I apologize for the behavior of my family. They are not used to guests." But the men didn't seem really to listen as in horror Io saw that her classmate found the box where she kept her most secret stuff. Immediately she jumped up and behind him, trying to snatch the magazines and games out of his hands "D-D-Don't look! Bara-kun, you can't!!" The men looked at them with a bored expression, keeping them in such a distance that Io won't reach them. "Doki Doki magazine and Otome games.. I didn't know you were interested in such stuff.." Io rolled past him and snatched away the box, her face utterly red, she stuttered something. "T-That is for private use! I-I mean not that kind of private use!! T-The thing is th-" from one second to the other Atsushi had turned around and turned on TV and her gaming console." W-Why?!" Io shoved the box under her bed. "A sport game.." "That belongs to Aoi-kun." Io sat down beside him. "Is there basketball on it?" Io shrugged. "I never played that one so I can't tell. DO you like playing games, Bara-kun." "How many times should I tell you that I'm not Bara-kun", he said slightly pissed. "You can tell me that every day, but for me you are Bara-kun!" The young men zapped in the menu of the game where he really found a basketball option. In a matter of seconds He immersed himself into the game, winning almost all the time and pressing the buttons angrily when he was about to lose.

"Bara-kun, you are amazing at this! Even if it is a game, you seem to have a lot of fun with basketball!" With a swift move he threw the other controller at Io who picked it up perplex. "You are now the other team. "EH?! B-But I can't play such games! I-" "X is running, R2 is blocking..." within seconds he simply drew the buttons and actions at Io who randomly clicked around the controller, losing highly against her classmate. "You suck...", he said and looked at her serious. Io stared back at him with teary eyes. "So mean! I never played it, give me at least a chance!"

After some seconds of hesitation Bara decided to show her slowly how the game works and soon Io got at least used to the actions that each button activates. With every game she felt like getting better and soon the both of them had real competitions. This went on till late night and Io had to admit that she really felt tired after all. "Shouldn't we go to sleep Bara-kun?", she asked and rubbed her eyes, yawning slightly. "Sleeping is boring...", he simply said but Io already stood up and made her bed ready. Then she stepped to her closet where she put out two fuuton. "I think one is too small", she muttered and rolled out on the ground, throwing a blanket and pillow onto it. Tired she lied down in her bed, facing the back of Atsushi. "You can play as you want, but you shouldn't stay up for too long. Tomorrow we have school after all." The young men just muttered something that she really couldn't understand. "Uhm, Bara-kun, do you think we are friends?" for a moment Atsushi stopped pressing the buttons and looked back at her. "Why that question?" Io hid even more under blanket and blushed slightly. "I-I'm just asking. Some say that there are friends and that there are classmates. That's why..." She sneaked out of her bed and cowered shortly beside him, holding her pinky finger at him. "Are we friends or just classmates?" Atsushi acted as if he was concentrating on the game, letting silence get into the room for a while. Only after a minute he put the controller away and gave in, hooking his pinky finger into hers, looking however to the other direction. "Don't get too full of yourself now..."He said but Io was shining from happiness. "I-I won't!", She said determined, realizing by now how big actually the difference between their hands is. As if he read her mind he glanced at her and took his finger away. "You should let your finger grow...they are too small..." With that Io went to her bed again and lied down. "I will try my best to grow taller Bara-kun! That's a promise." With those words she fell asleep after a while, drifting into comfortable dreams.


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Von: abgemeldet
2015-02-11T14:31:10+00:00 11.02.2015 15:31
Also a nice part. Really nice. ^-^

Von: abgemeldet
2015-02-11T14:29:31+00:00 11.02.2015 15:29
A really great part.
Von: abgemeldet
2015-02-11T14:28:55+00:00 11.02.2015 15:28
the part was fantastic. *-*
Von: abgemeldet
2015-02-11T14:28:09+00:00 11.02.2015 15:28
Wow this was also very good *-^
Von: abgemeldet
2015-02-11T14:27:30+00:00 11.02.2015 15:27
The part was great. :3
