Breaking the lock von Haku0815 ================================================================================ Kapitel 3: ----------- Chapter 3 After the talk with the Board Chairman: "Yahoo Tsukune, it's so great that you're a vampire now!" Kurumu said with excitement in her voice, but Tsukune didn't speak, he just kept walking with a zoned-out look on his face. "Earth to Tsukune you there?" Kurumu yelled in his ear finally getting his attention. "Ouch… Why did you yell in my ear Kurumu-san?" said Tsukune while rubbing his ear with his hand. "You didn't say anything, so I thought that would get your attention, and it did." Kurumu said with a smile. Tsukune gave her a quick annoyed look then asked "well what did you want?" "Well for one you can start responding when we talk to you." "Uh... yah, sorry I was just thinking to myself." "That's fine Tsukune, so why don't we all go and get something to eat?" Kurumu asked everyone. "Sounds good to me Desu." Yukari responded. "Sorry everyone, but I think I will just go back to my room and sleep, I am pretty tired." Tsukune replied with a yawn. "But Tsukune, it's not even six in the afternoon, and plus you slept for about a day after you passed out from repairing the barrier." Kurumu argued with Mizore, Yukari, and Ruby agreeing with her. "Even so I'm still tired, I am sorry but I'll see you all tomorrow." With that said, Tsukune turned and started towards his dorm. All the girls except for Moka looked on with disappointment. Even though she hid it from the others well, Moka was sad watching Tsukune walk away. She could tell he was depressed, and she couldn't help but think it was all her fault. When Tsukune was just out of sight, Moka turned and started to walk. "Where are you going off to Moka?" Ruby asked after she was done watching Tsukune. "I am going to my room." Moka said simply. "Why are you? Don't you want to hang with us; it could be a girl's night out." Kurumu stated but was answered as Moka continued to walk away. "What's up with her, she could have at least said no. Whatever, It will just be us four then." They then headed for the cafeteria. In truth Moka wanted to be with Tsukune and to try and cheer him up, but she knew that he wanted to be alone for a while. So she just decided to call it an early day as well heading up the stairs in the girls dorm to her room. As soon as she reached her door, she stood there for a minute before going in. When she got into the room, she headed straight for her bed which she just fell right into. Before she was completely asleep a single tear drop fell down her cheek. Back in Tsukune room, he did the same thing as Moka, he lay on his bed for a while staring at his ceiling. He did that for about ten minutes before going to sleep. The Next morning: Tsukune awoke still felling groggy but got up anyway. He proceeded to do his usual morning routine. He went into the bathroom and turned the knob for the sink. The water ran out of the faucet, without even thinking he reached his hands under the falling water and splashed some into his face. It happened within seconds, Tsukune was screaming in pain. He tried franticly to find a towel to dry it off, he finally found one and got the water off. He then turned the sink off and went back into what could be called his living room and sat in a chair cursing himself for doing something so stupid. He got back up and got dressed in new clothes and put on some extra deodorant to hide any body odor he had since he could not take a shower for obvious reasons. After he got himself ready he remembered he was not supposed to go to classes, to which he just grunted to and went back to his chair and sat down. He was trying to think about what he would do for today as well as the rest of the week. He sat there for about an hour, long enough for most, if not all the male students to be out of the dorms. The last thing he wanted to do was explain why he was a vampire to the ones who were sure to ask. After he went down to the ground level of the dorms he sat on a couch in the wreck room they had there. He rested his head on the back of the sofa and closed his eyes, his face still hurting from the water incident that morning. It had been about six minutes before he felt a tap on his shoulder; he opened his eyes to see Inner Moka standing there. He fell off the couch in surprise. He then righted himself and looked at Moka who had a curious look on her face. "Tsukune, what happened to your face?" Moka asked a confused Tsukune. "What do you mean Moka-san?" He asked her. "Your face is slightly red, what happened?" Tsukune' face grew a little redder after what she said. He knew what his face was red from but hoped no one would find out. But with little options he had to tell her. With a sigh he answered "Moka-san you have to promise you won't tell anyone else." He said looking her in the eyes. She nodded then he started again, this time his eyes were looking away in embarrassment "Well this morning I kind of… sort of…." He paused for a moment then continued "This morning I wasn't thinking and I splashed water into my face." She stood there dumbstruck. She couldn't believe what he did, he threw one of the vampire' biggest weakness right into his face. "Why would you do something like that?" "It was an accident, I was not thinking, I was just doing my normal morning routine that ended up this way. I wasn't even able to get a shower." He finished still looking embarrassed with his eyes glued to the floor. "Well it's understandable, you have only been a vampire for a day now, but that's what this week is for now isn't it?" She said feeling somewhat sorry for him. Tsukune was looking back up at her; he noticed her choker was gone and decided to question her about it. "Hey Moka-san, why is you choker gone, what happened to it?" "Remember I told you the other me tried to forcefully remove it so I could go help you?" "Yah now that I think about it, what happened to the Rosario?" "The seal was broken when she removed it, which was the risk for forcefully removing it herself." "So what's going to happen now?" "I do not know. The Chairman could not repair it so I no longer have it." Tsukune just stood there silently; it hit hard, to think he might not see the pink haired girl again. Although he would miss seeing the pick hair Moka, he had accepted the fact that both the silver haired Moka and the Pink haired Moka were the same being. Moka the changed the subject to why she was there aside from just wanting to be near Tsukune. "Well I guess that we should go and start teaching you about vampire'." "That would be nice so I don't have any more accidents like I did this morning." With that they headed out the dorms front doors just walking side by side. Moka looked over to Tsukune who again look depressed which made her feel bad. She kept blaming herself for Tsukune' sadness. She looked away from him and could not hide the saddened expression on her face from her thoughts; this however did not go unnoticed. Tsukune had looked over to her just as she looked away from him. With concern in his voice he spoke to her "Moka-san are you okay?" She lifted her head and looked to him still not completely hiding her sadness as well as she thought she was, she answered him "I'm fine Tsukune, why do you ask?" "You have a sad look on your face, why is that?" She was shocked that she did not hide her emotions and looked away from him. "I-It's nothing Tsukune." "Don't say that Moka-san, I know you enough to know that something is bothering you so what is it, you can tell me." He said trying to get her to open up to him. Moka' expression deepened even further. She opened her mouth to talk but said nothing, and then she shut her mouth and shook her head. He then grabbed her by her shoulders and made her face him. She was shocked by his sudden actions and stood there looking into his eyes as he started to speak. "Moka-san please, tell me what's wrong I want to help but cant if you don't tell me what the problem is!" Tsukune said with some pain showing in his face. She tried to hold back some tears that threatened to fall but was unable to. At the sight of her tears, Tsukune kept pleading with her to tell him what was wrong. She wanted to keep saying nothing was wrong but it was too late for that, she had started crying so there was no hiding it and she started to ask him a question. "T-Ts-Tsukune, do you ha-hate me?" Moka was almost sobbing. This caught Tsukune by surprise. 'Where did this come from?' he thought to himself. Tsukune then did the something unexpected by Moka. He pulled her into a tight hug putting her chin on his shoulder. She was shocked but before she could say anything Tsukune began to talk. "Moka-san, what made you think I would hate you?" Moka tried to talk with the least amount of crying she could do at the time. "E-Ever since you became a vampire, you have been looking depressed, and I thought it was because I caused all of this, I was sure you would h-hate me now." Tsukune only squeezed her into a tighter hug. He then began to talk. "Moka-san, I could never hate you no matter what has happened. I am always grateful to you Moka-san; you have done so much for me. You have saved my life many times. There is no possible way for me to hate you Moka-san." Moka only moved her face to Tsukune' chest and began to sob more."T-Tsukune, your life has now completely changed because of me. N-Now that you are a vampire Tsukune, you are Immortal, you will now have to watch your family and friends d-die while you live on. How could you not hate me for that?" "Moka-san, I can't hate you because I… I" Tsukune stopped mid sentence trying to build up his courage to continue. Moka at that time had almost completely stopped crying as she heard Tsukune' words. Tsukune then pulled Moka away from him just far enough to look into her eyes. As he began to speak again he started to wipe her tears away with one hand "Moka-san, I can't possibly hate you because I Love you." Moka' eyes widened when she heard those words, she couldn't believe her ears. Tsukune repeated himself "I love you Moka-san." To prove to her that he meant every word he pulled Moka closer to him and placed his lips on hers for a slow, sweet, and passionate kiss. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (