Breaking the lock von Haku0815 ================================================================================ Kapitel 2: ----------- Chapter 2 "Is Tsukune alright?" asked Kurumu as she moved towards Moka with Yukari, Mizore, and Ruby following close behind. "Tsukune will be fine, he just needs to rest after losing so much demonic energy." Moka Answered. "What is up with his hair, why is it silver now?" Mizore asked from the back of the group. "Isn't it obvious?" Moka simply stated, causing all the girls to look at Tsukune with a somewhat surprised expression on their faces. "Anyway, we should get Tsukune to the infirmary so he can rest." Moka said as she lifted Tsukune in her arms and started to walk. "After he wakes up I believe the Board Chairman has some questions to answer." Tsukune started to stir in his bed, after a few minutes he finally awoke from his slumber to find he was in the infirmary. He looked down to see he had some bandages on his chest, though he thought he felt fine. In fact he felt better than fine, he felt better than he had ever felt before. Quickly remembering why he was in the infirmary, he looked down to his wrist to see that his Holy Lock was still gone. He was in the process of starting to panic when he heard a familiar voice call to him. "Tsukune…" He looked up to see Inner Moka was still out, and behind her sleeping in some guest chairs were the other girls. She walked to the side of the bed Tsukune was in and continued to talk. "How are you feeling?" she asked. For the moment he forgot about his Lock and took a few seconds then replied "I feel fine, actually I feel better than that, I feel like I have more energy than I have ever had in my life." He said in a surprised tone. He then remembered the Holy Lock and brought his right arm up to look at his wrist. "Moka-san, what happened back there, where is the Holy Lock?" Moka looked at him a little shocked then replied "You don't remember?" There was a short pause then he said "I remember the Holy Lock breaking away from my wrist and a huge amount of energy surrounding me, that's about it." Moka nodded her head and continued "Not much happened after that, the barrier was repaired and then you passed out," He kept staring straight trying to sort all the thoughts going threw his head about everything that was happening. He then looked to her and said "M-Moka-san, I thought that if the Holy Lock was removed, that would be the end of my life, at least which is what the Board Chairman told us." Moka adverted her eyes away from Tsukune for just a moment, then looked back strait into his and said "Yes Tsukune, that is what the Board Chairman told us would happen if it was removed, but for whatever reason you're still alive, you should be happy Tsukune." Tsukune quickly jumped in "I am Moka-san, I am very happy I'm still alive, I'm just confused about what's going on, mostly why do I feel like I have so much more energy that it's scary." She was holding in a chuckle as she moved towards a desk that had a hand mirror on it. She picked it up and handed it the Tsukune who looked confused until he gazed into the mirror. He was shocked to say the least with what he saw. The first thing he noticed was also the most noticeable aspect about him that changed. He saw that now instead of Black hair, he had silver hair in its place; the last thing he saw was what shocked him the most. He now had crimson red eyes, the same shade of red as Moka' with his pupils as slits just like hers. He started to ask Moka a question but never looked away from the mirror. "M-M-Moka-san, am…I…a..." he was cut off by Moka "A Vampire? Yes Tsukune I believe you have transformed fully into a vampire." All he did was sit there in complete silence, shocked at the answer Moka gave him and the image that was staring back at him from the mirror. He finally looked at her and said "What does this mean? What happens now?" Moka looked at the floor with sadness in her eyes but quickly hid it then replied "I'm not sure Tsukune, we will have to ask the Board Chairman about this when we leave here." As Moka finished her sentence, Tsukune was hit by sneak attack from his side. He looked over to see Kurumu latched to his left arm, squeezing it between her breast' like she normally does to him on a daily bases. "My my Tsukune, you look so sexy as a vampire." As soon as he was about to pull Kurumu off his arm, he saw Yukari and Mizore about to pounce on him. Before they could even jump, Moka let out an annoyed growl that stopped their advances as well as make Kurumu let go of Tsukune. Tsukune was surprised at Moka but was more thankful for her having stopped them "Thank you Moka-san" he said to her with a smile. She turned around to hide her blush from everyone. She was surprised herself that she growled like that. She quickly began to speak to change the subject "We should go see the Board Chairman and ask him our questions Tsukune." Nodding he got out of the bed and put his shoes on. He still had on his bloodied shirt that he wore during the battle with Hokuto. He shrugged it off thinking he would change after his talk with the Board Chairman. As they were walking to the Chairman' office, they were getting stared at by every student they walked by. Most were for Tsukune who looked like he went through Hell and back which is basically what really happened. He didn't pay them much attention, instead he was thinking on what he would ask the Chairman. He had a lot of questions but only a few he would ask, the main one being will he be able to return to the human world. He then looked down at the ground as he walked with the one thought in his mind 'Even if I could return, what would I tell my parents.' His face then changed to show that he was upset about what he was thinking. Moka saw this and felt her heart ache, she felt that it was her fault for Tsukune' sadness. She knew that all of this was a result of injecting her blood into him. Even though it was to save his life, she still felt she had ruined his life. She was afraid, afraid that he might end up hateing her for what she did to him. She has wanted to confess to Tsukune many times about how she felt, but she never did. The obvious reason being that she was a vampire and he was a human, some might say it was her pride that stopped her. It was not her pride but her heart. She could not bear the idea of being with him only for him to age and eventually die leaving her once again alone, because if they are not killed, vampires will live forever, and that is what she feared about telling him, that even if he returned her feelings he would not be with her forever, he would eventually die of old age. Things then changed, Tsukune has become a vampire, and thus he has gained a vampire' immortality. In a way it made her feel low that she would only confront him now that he was a vampire, but is it so wrong for her to want someone to be able to hold her for as long as she lived? She had wanted that person to be Tsukune from the beginning even as a human, but now he could be with her and stay with her for as long as they lived, and at that she was overjoyed, but she would have to find the right time to tell him how she felt, she had to be alone with him. There was still the fear he would reject her out of anger for what she had done to him. After a few minutes of walking, they reached the Board Chairman' office door. Tsukune was about to knock on the door when he heard the voice of the Chairman call out "Please come in Mr. Aono." Tsukune opened the door to the office and stepped in with Moka right behind him and the others after her. Tsukune now stood before the Chairman. "I am sure you have a bunch of questions for me Mr. Aono." Said the Chairman still wearing that creepy smile he always has on his face. Tsukune nodded then began "I do have a lot of questions but I will only ask two." The Chairman nodded for him to continue "When you gave me the Holy Lock, you said that if it was ever removed, I would lose my life." "Correct Mr. Aono" Tsukune then continued "Not that I'm complaining but I'm still alive, so I have to ask, what was the real purpose for the Holy Lock?" Everyone in the room was stunned by Tsukune' question with the exception of the Chairman who' grin only grew. "Well it seems you have seen through me a bit." The Chairman chuckled a bit then continued "When I said you would lose your life, I meant you would lose your life as a human." Moka spoke up from behind Tsukune "What do you mean by that?" the Chairman continued "To answer your question Mr. Aono, the Holy Lock' Purpose was to help your body adapt to the vampire blood that was flowing in you veins. The blood was to overwhelming at the time which is why you became a ghoul. The Holy Lock would allow your body to slowly accept the vampire blood, meaning after a while your heart would start producing Vampire blood instead of human blood, in turn transforming you into the vampire you are now." The Chairman took a moment to let the information to sink in then continued once again "Mrs. Akashiya, did you think you were to only vampire to ever give their blood to a human? Mr. Aono think about some of the human legends of vampires, when a human is bit by a vampire they themselves become one correct?" "Yes" Tsukune replied. "Well that is partly true, a human becomes a vampire by having a vampire inject their blood into them, not just from a bite." Tsukune then took over the conversation for his last question. "Thank you for answering that for me, but now for my last question." The Chairman leaned in eager to hear what else he wanted to know. "Chairman, I wanted to know if you would make a rosary for me?" The Chairman sat back in his chair and in a simple tone replied "Yes Mr. Aono, I will prepare one for your use, though it will take me a week to complete it." Tsukune nodded then said "That is all I wanted to know, thank you for your time Chairman." Tsukune bowed then turned to leave but was stopped by the chairman. "Mr. Aono one last thing, you are to stay out of classes for this week. I can't have you running around breaking the rules now can I?" Tsukune was shocked for a moment then nodded. "Oh and Mrs. Akashiya, you too will be excused from classes for this next week." Moka was confused "What for?" she asked. "To teach Mr. Aono more about vampire', he will need to know what he can and can't do as a vampire." Moka then nodded. Tsukune had again begun to leave when something donned on him, he turned and asked one last question. "Sir, whatever happened to Hokuto?" The Chairman then sighed "We don't know, he managed to escape after you repaired the barrier." "I see, Thank you" Tsukune then left with the others following him. The Chairman turned in his chair to look out the windows and sat back in his chair and smiled. "Things are going to get more interesting around here." Hosted by Animexx e.V. (