Can't Hurt To Pretend von Pandir (Claude x Alois) ================================================================================ Kapitel 3: Command ------------------ A high-pitched scream pierced the silence of the empty corridors of the mansion - the cry of a scared boy finding himself alone in the dark and facing horrors too dreadful for his little soul to bear. Alois heart was beating against his chest, his fingers tightened around the thin fabric of his shirt and his nails dug into his skin, as he stared into the shadows before him. The darkness swallowed even the faintest noise - when he held his breath anxiously, he could hear nothing except for his racing heartbeat, and the silence was choking him almost physically. “Claude”, he whispered. The world seemed to close in on him, suffocating him, and the shadows crept closer, whispering, whispering, and faces and figures began to form out of black nothingness-- “CLAUDE!” Warm light flowed into the room, chasing the shadows away as it approached, and it lit the face of the demon who emerged from the darkness, dressed as black as the shadows behind him. His eyes gleamed in the candlelight, as he stood beside the bed, awaiting his orders. In a split of a second, the boy’s arms were wrapped around his body, clinging onto him like someone drowning in deep water to his only chance of rescue, his body shaking. “Master…”, Claude’s calm and emotionless voice broke the silence. The boy looked up, his eyes narrowing slightly. He was not shaking anymore. “Claude”, he said softly. “Do you desire me?” Before his butler could utter his usual response, Alois interrupted him, sharply. “Shut up.” And apparently, his search for a more satisfying way to annoy and punish the demon - which also had to fulfill his desperate need to keep his butler as close to him as possible - came to a conclusion, as he ordered, “Shut your stupid mouth and fuck me.” The demon’s eyes met the ones of his master - in the dim light of the candles, they didn’t shine innocently bright, but were of a darker shade of blue - and a grin spread on Alois’ perfect lips. “No, I know something better”, he decided, sounding very pleased with his own idea, and let his tongue lick his upper lip playfully as he lay back on the sheets. “Make love to me.” ~ His master was beneath him, arching his back to meet him, his hands entangled in the silky sheets. Alois's piercing blue eyes met his. His face was flushed, yet he seemed tensed and there was a hint of impatience as he looked up to his butler. His tongue flicked over his lips. "Now", he commanded. It was an order, and Claude followed it without hesitation. Alois tossed his head back and a moan escaped his wide-opened mouth as he gasped for breath. There was something wrong in the way his lean body twisted and arched beneath the demon, in the way he pressed his eyes shut and the way he used his legs to cling to the butler, granting him a better angle to thrust deeper inside of him. Alois’s moans were too loud and too shameless, his body knew too well how to give access to his weak spots and his tongue licked the saliva from his lips one time too often - no boy of his age should ever present his body in such a way. The blond hair was a mess and there was a thin film of sweat on his skin, his eyes were clouded with pleasure-- "Claude", he breathed, his voice shaky. The butler bent down to his master, just so far that Alois could put his hands on Claude's shoulders. Seconds later, the clinging fingers nearly ripped the dark fabric of the waistcoat apart as Alois' body bent beneath his butler, meeting his thrusts, and then the boy's head hit the pillow as he came with a scream. His hands slipped from Claude's shoulders and his head rolled to one side, strands of his blond hair falling into his calm face. There was silence, except for Alois' flat breathing; for a moment, Claude was captured by the sight of the lean chest heaving and sinking quickly while the rest of the slender body seemed to have gone limp. "Claude...", Alois voice was weak, yet unusually calm. He used the back of his hand to quickly wipe a few remaining tears from his eyes, then the blond boy turned his head and looked up at his butler. He was obviously displeased. "Why didn't you come, too?" The demon's eyes were unreadable. "You did not order me to", he responded blankly. Alois frowned at this answer, yet he allowed Claude to use his handkerchief to clean his master. "You can't do anything without me telling you to, isn't that right?", Alois' voice suddenly broke the silence. As Claude looked up from his task, he saw the boy grinning down on him. "You're just a miserable impotent bastard, right, Claude?" If Claude was annoyed by these words, he didn't show it - in fact, the gaze of his yellow eyes seemed more intense than before as he answered: "I will follow your every order, until the day that I shall greedily sink my teeth into your soul, master." The grin vanished from the boy's lips, he simply turned away and curled up on the bed, half-burrying his face in the soft pillow. "I will sleep now." Claude nodded, but before he could get up, Alois's voice stopped him. The words whispered into the pillow were barely audible, yet they were unmistakably an order. "Stay. You're not finished." There was a short moment of silence, before the boy added: "I did order you to make love to me, didn't I, Claude?" The calm answer lacked any hint of emotion. "Yes, master." The butler lay down beside him and put an arm around his young master, granting Alois to use his other arm as a pillow. When the boy rested his head on his butler's arm, he closed his eyes with a content smile. "Goodnight, Claude~" ~*~ A/N: Damit ist die Fanfic zu Ende, also bitte keine Kommentare von wegen "Schreib schnell weiter" usw. - Fertig ist fertig. Konstruktive Kritik ist immer erwünscht! Hosted by Animexx e.V. (