You shouldn't work so much von Abschaum (A lovestory at school) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: You shouldn't work so much... ---------------------------------------- "The intention of the author was to create an eerie atmosphere. To do this..." At the end of my tether I leaned back and put my pen down. It was a sunny day at the end of June and I had to spend my afternoon correcting tests. Sighing I looked outside and watched some children playing. They were from one of the lower classes that had to stay in school for some ore lessons and normally there would have been a teacher watching over them, but I couldn't see anyone around. Confused I looked at my watch to check if it was still time for lunch break or if they were just some kids who lived around here. I didn't have to look who was on surveillance duty today, I knew that by heart. After all, he was the reason why I was still here. Seventh period was nearly over so he should be somewhere around to call the kids back in. Just when I had finished the thought he entered the scenery. He was as good-looking as ever and all I could do was to marvel at him. He sent the kids inside and waited for a moment until they couldn't be seen anymore. He turned his head and looked directly at me. With a smile he waved his hand and went after the pupils. I felt my face becoming a little red. He had caught me and I could only hope that I hadn't looked too dreamy. 'Oh my god, he just smiled at me!' I nearly giggled in excitement. I sounded like one of these fan girls and actually this thought made me chuckle in amusement. I rested my chin upon my hand and let my thoughts drift off to him again. His name was Jack Martins and we both taught at the same school and while I was teaching English and Geography his subjects were Spanish and History. We had soon found out that we knew the same people and somehow we had become friends. And that was the problem. There had been a point when I discovered that I didn't just want him to be my friend. I wanted more. But I was quite sure that he didn’t. So I had kept my silence and admired him from the distance whenever he didn't notice. And I had started to dream about him, or rather us. My thoughts got disrupted by Jack, who seemed to appear out of thin air and let himself fall into the chair next to mine. "Hey, Nate. What are you still doing here?" I looked up at him. "Work," I answered and pointed at the exercise books in front f me." "Again? You really shouldn't work so much." Fascinated I watched one of his eyebrows rise. Alright this wasn't the first time I saw Jack do that but still, I had never seen it from so close and the movement really caught my eye. "If you say so," I raised my shoulders but didn't put anything away. Even if it wasn't that important and could be delayed for some more days I didn't want to make it too obvious that I was just staying because of him. "Yeah, I say so. Because in my opinion you should rather spend your time with me," he said now and this time it was my turn to raise an eyebrow. "And why exactly should I do that?" I wanted t know. He sure was a bit strange today. "Because I think we have to talk about something." I stared at him in shock. What was this about? Did he find out what I had been hiding over the past months? Did he find out that I was in love with him? Before I could think rationally again I blurted out what I had been hiding from him: "I love you!" In the next moment I blushed deeply. What...what had I just done? I really wanted to hit my head against the next wall, but while I was cursing myself silently Jack's face came closer. "I know," he said softly before suddenly his lips touched mine. The kiss was unlike everything I had expected. No more words were needed, because everything we had to tell each other was expressed in this loving but demanding kiss. When we moved away from each other I had to grin like a moron. "What's the matter?" Jack raised one of his eyebrows again. But I just leaned over to him and gave him a quick kiss onto his lips. "Nothing, I'm just happy." Jack smiled and pulled me into his warm embrace, just to lift up my head and kiss me again. "So, you'll just put away your stuff and we'll go and drink something together now," he said when he pulled away again. "You don't have to pretend to be working anymore." I blushed, so he had known why I was still here. Jack laughed softly. "You're cute when you blush," his words only made me blush deeper and quickly I put my things away and rose from the table. On the way out Jack took my hand, which made the stupid grin appear on my face again. In this moment I wanted to hug the entire world, just because I was so happy. We walked out into the beaming sunlight of a wonderful summer day and I stopped to lift my face and soak up some of the sunrays. Jack watched me for a while the he came really close and took my face into his hands. For a slight moment he examined my face then he smiled and finally kissed me. "I love you," he whispered, "I really really love you." And all I could do was kissing him back, for he had captured my mouth again, his tongue sliding between my lips, tasting my mouth and I was just too willing to give in. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (