Prayer100 von prayer_at_night (drabbles I wrote for my beloved 100 asylums) ================================================================================ Kapitel 6: Chocolate Kiss - Snarry ---------------------------------- Pairing: Severus/Harry Asylum: Harry100 Prompt: Chocolate Frog Genre: Romance, fluff Rating/Warnings: PG/snogging, "foodsmut" (nothing really smutty, though) “You bought me a Chocolate Frog!” Harry’s face was alight with glee when he ripped open the purple box and popped the struggling frog into his mouth. While Harry munched his chocolate with relish and pulled out a Card that did not, thank Merlin, feature Albus – they still avoided talking about the Headmaster whenever possible – Severus sank down on the couch next to his husband, groaning when his back cracked painfully. Exhausted, Severus closed his eyes and listened to his young husband head for the kitchen to deposit the empty Chocolate Frog wrapping and shuffle back into the living room. The next thing he knew, Harry was straddling his legs, kissing him hard. Severus’ lips parted under the pressure and Harry opened his mouth wide, covering Severus’. Seconds later, molten chocolate flowed into his mouth, its sweetness flooding his taste buds, followed by Harry’s slippery tongue, and Severus moaned. They were trading the viscous chocolate that was soon covering every surface in their mouths and running down their chins; it felt messy, dirty and insanely erotic. When they pulled apart an eternity later, panting and flushed and smeared with streaks of chocolate, Harry grinned. “You like Chocolate Frogs better, now?” Hosted by Animexx e.V. (