The Secret of the Dragon von Shadowflame_Yu ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: ----------- There was a war. Humans defended the capital city in Golden Woods but they were not alone. Solaris was fighting with them. The golden dragon of light rose up into the air over the battleground and said a magic word. An arrow of light hit the enemies but that was not enough for him. So he flew towards the creatures and attacked them directly by spitting a flood of liquid light over them. Sometimes Solaris wished it could all be like it was before the strange monsters had come out of nowhere, like in the tales of the older dragons. They had told him and the other young dragons all about the world and the life before the time of war. There was an old prophecy which told about a chosen out dragon that would save them all but no one knew who it was, not even the chosen dragon himself. He had a mission. Solaris was sent out to help the humans against the evil monsters but there were too much of them. He sent again a light arrow towards them and knew that it would not help much more. While the monsters got an advantage, Solaris thought of turning around and flee to save himself. Instead of flying away he cast more spells and did the best. Then someone was behind him. It was another dragon but this one was not golden like himself but he had the colour of clear white ice. The other dragon attacked the monsters and because of that Solaris knew that it was a friend who had arrived. They fought together with the humans and … they won the battle. Later, in the forest Solaris talked to the other dragon: “Hey, you did well. Without your arrival we would all be dead.” “It is nothing special. I only did the best I could. My name is Frostbringer and if you had seen, I am a dragon of Ice.”, the other one answered. Solaris went on: “Solaris. Light is the source of my power. I had been sent out to help the humans defending their city and if you had not arrived, I would have failed in my mission.” Suddenly they heard a strange noise. It was something like a crack or else. Solaris turned around and saw some strange monsters in the forest. The spider-like creatures jumped forward and attacked the two dragons. “Frostbringer, watch out!”, Solaris cried and flew up into the sky. Frostbringer followed him but suddenly, the giant spiders began to fly after them. The ice dragon used his magic to freeze some of the spiders. But three of the flying spiders carried a net with them. They wrapped Solaris in it and he could not escape, not even with his magic powers. He tried everything but they flew away with him. Frostbringer did not see it because he had to fight with some other monsters which had fought against him as long as the others could escape with their prisoner. Then he noticed that his friend was not there and closed his eyes to cast a searching-spell which would allow him to see where the spiders were. As he opened them again he saw the trace the monsters left. While he was following the trace he thought about the reason, why they had caught Solaris: “Why do they do that? What do they want from him? There can only be one reason for all. They must have thought of the prophecy but who told them about it? Maybe someone told it their leader Scarbor, but who? Solaris can’t be the chosen one because he is too old. The spiders have taken the wrong dragon.” After half an hour, Frostbringer arrived at a cave in the mountains. The trace took its way into the mountain and he had to enter the cave if he would follow the spiders. Before entering he said a magic word which made him invisible and which protected him from hidden traps. Then he formed the searching-spell again but now he tried to find Solaris. Frostbringer followed the trace and found Solaris lying on the ground in a huge side cave. There were no spiders or other creatures around so he finished the invisibility and showed his friend that he was there. Solaris looked surprised while he was speaking: “What are you doing here? Get out before you will end like me!” Frostbringer did not understand him: “What do you mean? Come with me out of here. Let’s go home.” “Don’t you understand it?”, Solaris asked, “Don’t you see the magical barrier between us? I’ve tried everything to get out here but it’s not possible to come trough it.” “Let me try something”, Frostbringer promised. “What do you want? There is nothing we can do”, Solaris did not understand him but he would do everything to get out of there, “okay let’s try it.” “You have to concentrate most of your power at me and show me the barrier, then I will do it”, he explained. Solaris did as he had said and felt the bound between them. “One, two, three, now!”, Frostbringer instructed and Solaris led his power to him and showed him the magic obstacle between them. Frostbringer formed a mighty spell which turned the barrier into ice and now the dragons could destroy it easily. “Thanks”, was the only thing Solaris could say, “and now it’s my turn.” So it was that they escaped with help of Solaris’ teleport spell and they were save back in their forest. While they were talking together, someone arrived out of nowhere. It was a wizard on a flying carpet. “You must be warned”, he told the dragons, “Scarbor is coming himself. He got to know about your escape. He is looking for the one dragon which is chosen to stop him. Someone told him about the prophecy.” Solaris interrupted him: “How do you know this? Why are you here? Why haven’t you brought the other dragons with you so they could help us?” “Because it’s you who has to stop Scarbor”, and the wizard pointed at Frostbringer, “You are the chosen one. Don’t you remember our last meeting?” “Yes,” Frostbringer answered, “I know it but I never wanted to be something special. I only want to be a normal dragon like the others.” Solaris was excited: “Can’t you understand it? You have the power to stop all the monsters if you kill Scarbor. This is the only way we have!” Then the ground began to tremble. A giant portal arose in front of the dragons which flew up. Scarbor himself came through it. His yellow body was glowing and where he walked the forest ground began to burn. Without his two horns he was as tall as a dragon but he had more magic powers. He laughed when he saw only the two dragons that would oppose him. With nothing more than a thin yellow glowing arrow he wanted to kill the golden dragon but Solaris made a protection charm and the arrow failed him. Then the two dragons began to battle Scarbor. In the middle of the fight something happened. A spell got out of control and hit Solaris who fell on the ground. He was dead. Frostbringer was shocked he had never thought of seeing someone dying but then he remembered the wizard and all the others that he was fighting for. Now he felt more power rising up of his hopes and feelings, there was also the power of Solaris which he could feel. And with all this power he made the final strike, the strike to kill Scarbor. The big monster glowed a last time so strong that almost Frostbringer turned around. After the bright he looked at the rest and there was only a heap of ash left from Scarbor. Frostbringer had finished his mission by killing Scarbor. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (