The moment of loss von greensilverserpent ================================================================================ The moment of loss ------------------ DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Yami no Matsuei or any of its characters, lands, or items Yoko Matsushita has created. They belong to their respective copyright holders. Oriya Mibu was a proud, silent, sometimes even passive man. He performed his duties diligently, practiced his kendo and was there for whoever needed him. But he never let you know what you meant to him. That changed the day Muraki Kazutaka came to say good bye. Oriya had pleaded and begged, but the silver-haired doctor still chose the path of destruction. Now that he had vanished for such a long time, the raven-haired man lost the fragile hope he had clung to despite the good bye. His heart broke with the realisation. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (