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The Battery Mage

  • Sasha Tjader
    hair color:pumpkin orange
    eye color:grey
    height:172 cm
    age:kind of forgot
    likes:tinkering with stuff, snooping around
    dislikes:coffee. also bossy people

  • Alison Alberson
    hair color:the kind of dirty blonde that people who have it seem to want to dye for whatever reason.
    eye color:blue
    height:175 cm
    age:she's been celebrating her 25th birthday for as long as Sasha knows her (about 4 to 5 years)
    other:can't make a sandwich to save her life.

    her initials have nothing to do with the fact that she owns a bar. (and a school.)
  • ...
    hair color:dark violet (looks like black from afar)
    eye color:dark blue
    height:165 cm
    age:under 20 but over 15... probably
    other:really, really pale.

  • Mr. Ian Woon
    hair color:grey
    eye color:brown
    height:158 cm, but he used to be really tall
    age:older than you
    other:his cane is his secret weapon.

    an evil-tempered old man.
  • Ginger
    hair color:rust brown
    eye color:black
    height:30 cm
    age:3 years
    other:has horns!

    Mr. Ian Woon's pet woobie.
    Preys on small rodents, but is harmless to humans.
    Likes children and is potty trained.
